Mod Vote

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Sabo_FC, Jun 29, 2012.

  1. Lol- I'm no troll - i rarely post. Just tired of seeing OP post that picture everywhere 
  2. How long was Yarmes a mod? Like 3 months?
  3. 4 and a half but him being an immature dumbass makes me seem right
  4. You are cool Melissa!!
  5. I appreciate it Tommy. I'm the coolest, worst mod!
  6. Do "Potential Mods" count too?:p
  7. who is your potential mos?   
  8. Let me guess you are a potential mod lol
  9. Well, by your standards, no, I'm not.

    But since everybody technically has the potential to become a mod...

  10. If I am nominated, I will decline. If I am selected, I will not serve.
  11. Not everyone has the potential. If you spam like crazy, are under 18 and don't know anything KaW then you are not mod material.
  12. Not now, but eventually.
  13. I'd like to place my campaign ad for #10 "Meanest Mod" now :)


    I am so totally mean.... Grrrrr
    <---- see- I haz angry face
    If elected, I promise to continue being incredibly mean :)

    See? I can post totally mean-sounding gif's


    Also, I carry a gun :)
  14. Meanest? lol.

    You're like a teddy bear:p
  15. You are a weird one bella lol