Mithril To Nobility Idea

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Zethor, Sep 2, 2015.

  1. 10 mith = 1 nob?
  2. Thanks for the support guys.
  3. Devs won't do anything that makes them get less money.
  4. True, only if the Mithril to Nob ratio was cranked waaaaaay up.
  5. Lol 1:1

  6. I read it lol. His example wouldn't work and I dolt think devs would do anything else than 1 nob
  7. No support
  8. No support... Certain builds make 10x more mith than others
  9. No supportv
  10. I'm Terra's alt and I support this message

    But i support
  11. What's a seal of death?
  12. No support. Nobility is a premium currency and should stay as such. Having an option to gain horns and seals via mith would be a better alternative.
  13. I like the idea. Will never happen tho
  14. It'd have the same net impact...
  15. No Support ... I would however love to see aqua inferno mith be able to combine to make crystals
  16. I like this a lot
  17. That's actually pretty good.
  18. Zeth get off forums and hit the damn eb :lol: