Mithril spell idea

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by crazymartian2, Aug 26, 2012.

  1. dang on next page
  2. Test your bb codes else where
  3. What about a mithril spell that increases troop regen?
  4. Née need a noob to translate this noob language for us
  5. How do we get all these stupid people on kaw? idk what he even said
  6. Painful to read
  7. There should be a Mithril spell that makes your troops regenerate faster than normal
  8. (color) listen and understand me and post stuff (red)
  9. [color/red] fail [red]
  10. fail again and again [/red]
  11. fAil DERP DERP DERP [red]
  13. derping so much[color]