I wouldn't be opposed to see some sort of mith reward via eb rare drop or such. I have fought my butt off along with countless others in war and to be quite frank, the reward to cost ratio is a bit gross. It is already hard enough to beat the top EE clans in the game because of their hard earned equipment and excellent teamwork. A couple weeks ago I won 3 wars out of the 5 I fought and managed a whole 180 mith after the weekend was over! Think about that, 3 wins 180 mith!! That's not even enough to buy some pieces of equipment. Let alone hope to upgrade. It would literally takes months to obtain and upgrade equips at a decent rate for the average EE warrior! I am not saying we should be able to obtain this stuff overnight, but unless you are lucky enough to be part of the best of the best, the majority of the kaw world will never realistically be able to afford and obtain fully upgraded paladin armor! Give us some way to at least chance the stuff