I already explained why T5 costing Mithril will not cause widespread mwars, but I'll do it again: The problem with pwars was that both sides received the currency needed to buy lands and buildings, and lots of it. Mithril, as it is now, is only rewarded to the winners, so only one side can get it. If you don't understand that, that basically means that EITHER the osf can grow, or the players can grow, but not both. Sure, mwars will be more common than they are now, but I think T5 costing mith would be a good thing for KaW, because most war clans have a lot of mith. This means the old school players (like me) will be the first to T5BC, instead of EB noobs and nobbers. Not to mention that it would encourage system wars as well, because people earn more plunder off of bigger players, meaning T5BC players would be big targets.