mithril regenerations?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by countryboy395, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. Support, though I think I like the War Crystals idea more, because you can't buy more than 6 mith, so that means you won't be able to regen.
  2. I like the idea of it. Will have to see where this goes.
  3. Nice!!!!!!! :)
  4. Support! But as Phoenix said I like the war xtals idea better
  5. No support, then devs will lose their income
  6. But for me, I would SUPPOR :p
  7. SUPPORT* sorry for the typo
  8. I hate to break it to you, but the only reason why EE wars exist is that the devs wanted to encourage xtals sales. They have developed a system that necessitates xtal use in order to win to keep us spending to get shiny new equipment.
  9. You'll see the devs roll out mith that can be bought with nobs before you see regens that can be bought with mith...
  10. No support. People wouldn't war anymore.
  11. Wait nvm. Not bad idea. But could use some work. Little support
  12. First of all, this should only be allowed during EE wars.

    Second, a reasonable amount would probably be 10 for a regen (20 is too much to the point you probably won't make much), that would cut your mith profit but is still ok.

    Third, what if you use that much mith and you lose, winning 34 mith from VP is too much, I have no solution for this. Unless of course the devs could somehow record those who used xtals and give them more mith in this EB.
  13. Devs made this new war sytem to get people back into system wars. Not solely for the revenue. That being said xtal/nob sales are what keep this game going since they are the devs only means of generating funds to run such a massive game. You will never see that foolish ET war gem. You will never see mith as a regen item. Why? Because you will never see people randomly donating money to ATA because they like ATA's work. Wars cost xtals/nobs. That's the bottom line.

    I suggest you spam quests for nobs if you're dedicated enough to want to war but cannot afford to pay. Or, look up Moose's thread on free nobs. (Hint: they aren't free but finfing the money isn't.)
  14. Awesome idea!!
  15. yaa i support it bcoz crystal found really tough :oops: and low gold payment on quest ...
  16. :( ill support it.. let's see if ATA does too :lol:
  17. Since u brought up ATA profiting, u just brought ur stand lower. Now buy 2xtals, win war. Get mith, don't buy anymore xtal. Just use mith forever
  18. There are a few things that could happen (if the devs actually do this).
    A). They will increase the cost of mithril or make it so that you have to use actual money to buy it
    B). The cost of regenerating with it will be high or they may decide to charge so much for spy regen and so much for troop regen
    C). The devs will increase the price of xtals and nobs to offset the revenue they will loose

    I think this is a good idea, but the devs will not do it because they rely on xtal and nob purchases to make them money.
  19. That Takes Out The Whole Point
    Of Health Crystals,If The Idea Passes
    Through You Will Most Likely
    Spend 15-30(Depending On Stats).