mithril once per week

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by trazer56, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. How about making it possible to win mith for x amount of successful bl hits.
  2. **** this ****
  3. If they had it every week to keep it at the same rarity they would have to raise the price by a ton
  4. What's up with all of these newbies saying they NEED mith sales? Oh, I need mith soooooo badly. Y u no sell mith more often? Because you're supposed to war for it dumb shits
  5. There's this thing called war. Try it. And tell me, whatever would you need mith for?
  6. Maybe the devs should just hand out mithril free of charge. I'd also like someone to push all these damn buttons on my iPhone for me.


  7. Just do a mwar. Simple, yeah? Mithril is suppost to be stratigic to use in the best or worst of times in a time of need. I am assuming you are part of the lazy EB noobs who want "unload all" buttons and mithril sale 24/7, maybe even free xtals! (I hold no support to any of said ideas, infact I downright hate them.)
  8. If somebody proposes being able to buy nobs for gold, I will relentlessly spam their thread with bunchies.