Great idea, that is if you misspelled OSW and accidentally wrote EB. If you really meant EB: hell NO. Enough EBnoobs already, why give them mith also? Try to war for it
(/)_-) another crap idea from someone who doesn't want to work to get things in the game. I suppose we should be able to purchase equipment next?
What do you guys think about mith from OSW? I know it's hard to fix that, bc it's off system, but surely it would be nice
@enforcer there would have to be a system for what is currently off system first so the devs have a way of monitoring war plunder.
Yeah, but OSW is a lot different from SW. Maybe create a new sort of war. A system OSW every successful strip gives mith as a random drop on participants or something like that. Let's get the warring back
Lol osw mith? Would be very interesting to WATCH... (I would rather not get stripped LOL system wars! Woot! Yay! Maybe?? Huh...)
Quit being lazy and go jump in a war, or spend the outrages amount of gold on it when KAW decides to let you buy the mith. Pffft! Lazy pathetic noobs!