Mithril for sale!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Apr 19, 2012.

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  1. Congrats devs - you've established a source of quick (maybe even emergency when super needed) income. I'm sure it's a good pay too, nobs sales must be at the record point right now huh. And everyone in kawmunity is so excited that most don't even notice: it's 1/3 times more expensive than it was before, when we had mith for sale on Xmas. Is there an inflation in Canada or you guys just want to switch from Ford to Mercedes? Or..or is your new server provider charges more? At least that would be a good excuse
  2. 400 mill per mith? Yeah i'll pass.
  3. Not many people do system wars for mith to begin with then you're going to sell it for 400mill per mith(1)? That's a bit drastic.
  4. Eh. Mithril is harder to earn than gold. I bought 40 for the hell of it.
  5. Not available on
  6. Lol there's nothing wrong with the price of mithril it cost's me 15bill in pots in a mwar to get 30mithril I'm saveing 100mill per each one I buy
  7. How can i buy mithrils in android version? There is no option to buy mithrils in alchemist in android version
  8. War is coming :O
  9. Someone told me this: thr reason for the "sale" is cuz mith could b engaged with tier 5 buildings
  10. Agree dev avoiding the question about what what is " war is coming"mean. Seems it will increase nobility sales great Financial decision on devs part 
  11. War is always 'coming' - its a war game lol just a good wording on devs part, sales pitch that is meant to increase nob sales, thats all
  12. Has permanent items always been at the bottom of the spells page?
  13. Im not sure. But what is the occasion this time? My birthday? :D
  14. If the devs are gonna stack the game against android players, they can refund every real dollar I have spent on kaw and reset me.
  15. War is coming woop Btw deva are clever for increasing nob sales nice one devs
  16. @ BlairWitch, I'm not saying make them shorter. I see the Big Attack
  17. @ BlairWitch, I'm not saying make them shorter. I see the Big Attack
  18. Yeyy MarketPlace->The Alchelmist->Buy Mirithil
  19. @slayer just for nw
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