Mithril for sale!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Apr 19, 2012.

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  1. Just based on some relatively quick math I'd guess the number is closer to.

    5000 trillion or 5 quadrillion


    That's a lot of zeros. And a very large number.
  2. Nice... Make the bigones bigger n be even more untouchable.... Now i see: it's all bout the 
  3. It's not just about the money... But how you spend it! 
  4. When will sale end?
  5. 53 mith much will we need?
  6. When's the sale end
  7. When the devs want it to end.
  8. It will end when we are all broke.
  9. ^ @ A1, Lmao  but I'm already broke and the sale just keeps going?!?!
  10. I don't understand why the Devs can't just tell us when this sale will end, what difference would letting us know make? We can't prepare for anything when we're told noting, it reminds me of that saying we're like Mushrooms, Devs feed us with **** and keep us in the dark.

    I'v spend over 300bil on this sale, I have 1,046, is that enough? Who knows, maybe it is maybe it isn't, are people who don't max buy everyday going to be left behind if they bring out T5 which are purchasable with Mith as some people are saying? Who knows?

    It's fine for HCBC players that have 300bil to waste, with that I could have bought my next 3 lands and put 2 L3 T4 up. But fear of the unknown has me buying Mith like a crackhead.

    Even simple little things like the length of the sale we're left in the dark about, just seems a little silly to me.
  11. Argeeeeee!
  12. Ya devs are sucking dick this week, my review has gone from 5 stars to 3 stars. Stop being power hungry ass holes and let us play the game with a strategy and not a random ass guess what comes next game.
  13. Maybe they plan on ending the sale when the new update comes out and they can't give a specific date as to when they will be done.
  14. I like the post above everyday I wait til certain time to buy Mithils. I play like a "crackhead" all day long just to get enuf gold for my fix. Thanks devs now I know first hand what life as that would be. KAW s/b billed with a warning label as I feign away at the Ebs. Happy KAWING 
  15. What is the point of doubling the max when I could hardly buy enough to max the first time? Now it just makes me feel like I am definitely missing out on what's coming next because I can't even buy what's offered.

    I believe they should just end the sale so I can stop buying mithril anytime I can. This sale has ate all my money..
  16. @homedawg
    People are only guessing the end of the sale will coincide with the update, it's probably right but what does it matter if we know the time of the update?

    They have already told us what's in the update (Mith enhanced items and a tournament based system war) how would knowing the date make one bit of difference?
  17. You know what maybe they will start dropping equipment as a reward for winning wars.
  18. @Panic
    The devs don't give out release dates on updates anymore because they usually are a bit off, and the kawmunity does not like that. Were you not here for the great eb update?
    Oh the threads
    Oh the "I'm quitting this game"s
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