Mithril for sale!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Apr 19, 2012.

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  1. How much M is too much? Wall me.
  2. Just a pic that may interest a few.

  3. Holy crap! :0 show comments!
  4. Babyguy, the comments are gross. One tool says PiMD is better.
  5. The war tournament sounds like it will be cool.
  6. I wonder what it will be 
  7. Thanks for posting that A1
  8. Update

    We have increased the amount of mithril you are allowed to purchase per day, it is still for a limited time only.
  9. Great, I was hoping to waste 40b per day instead of 20.
  10. They seem to have doubled it I bought an additional 50 making my limit 100 per day. 40 bil :cry:
  11. The new limit seems to be: Double your old limit and subtract 1 afterwards. This can get expensive.
  12. EPIC! I think I already know how an enchantment system works, but the war tournament?

  13. Better get it done soon, Devs. Already boiling with excitedness.
  14. What do you think it means?? I have no idea lol
  15. Can a Mod please explain the Tournament Wars? I would like to be a part of that
  16. I'm guessing devs will make a proper thread explaining it when it gets closer to release.
  17. I think the ma you can buy a day is dependent on land unlocked/buildings put up. The price is dependent on your strength.
  18. Why won't u let us know how long the sale will last do we can each create a strategy on how much we want to buy? This is supposed to be a strategy game but how can I make a plan if u just create a random event with no time frame.
  19. So are u saying that mithrel spells are only for sale on a limited time
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