Mith Proposal

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SeXyJoE, Jul 11, 2013.

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  1. I fully support parallax's idea though
  2. Thank you, I may consider writing my own thread on this thought and if I get support I will email devs
  3. Yes am the moron, who is talking about quiting if they don't get there virtual equipment? bwahaha.
    Having the cap at 6 is fine, stop being a lazy and build some SDT and maybe you can get yourself some wars.
  4. Erm, I'm not being lazy? I don't want a fight over this, all I'm doing is suggesting new ideas, don't like it? Go away
  5. "Constructive criticism is welcomed"
  6. I don't consider this in any way 'constructive'
  7. All i see is a lazy noob demanding ATA to give him what he wants or he will rage quit.
  8. Are you kidding me? I'm happy with the equipment I have thanks. I have some mith equipment, I'm not demanding anything
  9. He told you to get some sdt, pretty good advice right there.
  10. practicing bb codes before making own thread don't mind me
  11. Which also has nothing to do with helping improve my idea
  12. Well it has to do with getting into war clans, so its somewhat related, right?
  13. It is, but I didn't ask about sdt, as stated earlier, I already have mith equip
  14. Umm not the best but yeah, you do.
  15. Easier for new players is all nice and all, but its sugar coated cyanide. How will the older players feel that the system was made EASIER after all their hard work? Ill give you an example.

    LC reset items. Now a thing of the past. There was a stage where devs moved them from perm items, to equipable equipment, basically rendering those items useless. Anyone who put the effort in to get those reset items was upset and within days, those reset items were put back where they belonged, in perm items. A special 8% bonus to older players who put their time in to get them. New players dont know any different, but old players will be angered. This is not a smart decision by a company standpoint
  16. "New people that want to war in clans can't because they do not have enough mith to cast all four attack spells, if this is increased, the newer players are able to join clans and learn how to war, and make more mith in the long term. At the moment, players are being rejected because they are not able to cast all four attack spells, which means there is no way to actually be able to make up enough mith to war. This is a problem because it can lead to players quitting, as they cannot buy any of the mith equipment" Here is your constructive critism..I think your the only one who thinks people don't war because they cannot purchase 14mith? I don't see no one else complaning about this. And its not a problem. Simply buy 6, cast. Buy another 6 cast. Buy 2 and cast. Problem solved derp. "If this is increased, the newer players are able to join clans and learn how to war and make more mith in the long term" Oh so in order to war all it requires is some stinkin mith? No you gotta have some decent BFE, xtals and SDT in some cases. Mith ain't gonna solve everyones problem of not being able to war, its called get your lazy ass and work hard like everyone else. Then i see you saying its a problem because people have quit over not being able to purchase 14mith. I literally lol'd.
  17. How about Devs give use 1000 mith each and then we will give them 5star ratings in return
    They get more people and we wont be complaining for a while until us noobs have spent it all in a week long gay colour feast :p
  18. Festival * yes I have the spelling age of 4
    Deal with it
  19. Better idea, how about anyone who resets get a HLBC account, 20,000 xtals, 4000 mith, 800 aqua, 1200 inferno, and 50,000 nobility? Then NOBODY can complain!
  20. locked per OP request
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