mith manipulation

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DO_ChaS_TM, Jun 17, 2013.

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  1. No, you certainly brought me into this discussion by making such a misinformed OP. I had to come here and defend my clan and our actions. It would be like me creating a thread titled, "DO_ChaS_TM wins and cries about it." - same difference.

    Once again, "We Came To Lose" (WCTL) were ready for war - or else WCTL wouldn't have signed up. Just because WCTL doesn't choose to war according to your standards of, "...casting top 4 or having pots is not ready and not a proper training process..." does not mean WCTL was not ready for war. Maybe in your mind, that makes WCTL unprepared for war - but that's all on you and YOUR preconceived notions of minimum war requirements. I'm sorry you are such a control freak - that you think everyone has to cast top 4 mith spells or use tons of pots to war. I'll let you in on a little secret: YOU DON'T HAVE TO. WCTL is free to war any way WCTL chooses. If casting top 4 mith spells and tons of pots were "required" to war, then WCTL members wouldn't be able to cast WoC to be able to war, would they? Well, WCTL members are able to cast it without tons of pots or spending tons of mith - so clearly WCTL is ready and able to war. Also, some WCTL members did cast mith spells - but it is not a requirement for war participation.

    Maybe you should size up your opponent first before spending tons on pots or casting tons of mith? I think the real disservice you did was to yourself - perhaps you need more war training, if you spent $30b to fight WCTL. WCTL is open to everyone that wants to join and that wants to experience war on the cheap - come war with WCTL sometime, maybe you'll learn a thing or two and won't go so over kill next time.

    Btw, my post where I said, "I am a bit surprised we got matched though...", was in the context of your clan vs mine. WCTL didn't sign up for war trying to not be matched or WCTL wouldn't have had so 5m+ CS players in clan for war. WCTL was very happy to be able to fight - as that is the entire goal. My surprise was that WCTL was matched vs your clan specifically, as you all have much more experience than WCTL does. WCTL was hoping to fight someone of a closer level of experience.

    Also, you mention a proper training process as a requirement for war, what do you think that process should be - spending billions of gold on pots and mith? I don't think so.

    How many players do you think are turned off by war, knowing they have to gamble $30b?
    Answer: Lots.

    How many players do you think would war, if they could do it without such a high cost gamble or changing their build?
    Answer: Lots.

    I have had many, many wall posts and pm's of support for what WCTL does. If anything, you should be thanking WCTL for what we are doing. WCTL is expanding the war community - and giving the war community more opponents to fight. WCTL does not expect all members to stay forever, if players wish to leave to go to a more serious war clan - then WCTL did a good job. You should be ashamed of yourself for trying to put a stop to increasing the number of players that war or the number of players that want to war and will eventually live up to your "minimum standards".

    Thank you for your time,
  2. I can understand op statement as it pertains to the "integrity" of the game..other side is clan leaders from "we came to lose" are exploiting the game..I mean come on really? Lol..I understand no way in hell you gonna come into forums and tell us what it really is..this is no different really than a clan with 20 guild
    Hansels or 20 tower builds..they found a crack and are crawling through it biggie..I wish we get matched next with them soulreaper needs upgrades
  3. So what you're saying is, you sign up with the expectations for losing, but when you do get matched up, you're ready to war? Cuz thats what i got from just skimming it.
  4. @JoHnEdEE - the fact that you take things so seriously as to not see the humor in our name, is reason enough for WCTL to continue to do what we are doing. We try to have FUN in war, and if we aren't gambling $30b - it's a lot easier to have fun. Come join us and try it some time.

    @ladyboss611 - Yes, we sign up expecting to lose because we have 0 war experience. I would also expect to lose in a fight vs Mike Tyson. However, we are warring to gain war experience - but we can't gain experience if we don't war. We have to start some where or we get caught in some kind of crazy catch 22. Expecting to lose and being ready for war are two different things that you seem to think are not mutually exclusive. When we are matched - we are ready for war, and we try our best - but the likelihood of us winning is slim to none. That clear it up for you?
  5. No I certaintly didn't. Please refer to original post. I merely asked for options on a specific strategy. You yourself felt the need to over justify your actions. I'm sure because you realize how ridiculous they are.

  6. Ohhh, ok. But you have no intention whatsoever to throw the war and gain more mith. Or when you do war, you put any mith spells on?
  7. Op shut up please or ill kick you out of the clan They didn't cast war spells and we won easy Quit complaining! Sorry about this WCTL
  8. lol, it's a game the "integrity" aspect is subjective when it comes to games. But I can see both sides and honestly don't see a problem with what WCTL is doing. There are requirements that each clan can impose for "their" members but not your opponents. Let them play the way they do, you play the way you do. Remember most of us play games for the enjoyment, you sir/ma'am can't dictate to others how they derive said enjoyment from playing. Naturally some people are more competitive than others and good for them. Some take an "easier" approach which is what they seem to be doing. Be it to ease into warring or to manipulate the system, either way who cares. You got an easy win, enjoy it I hope you're next match is one where you are severely out classed. So when they mop the floor with you, they can come to forums and say you didn't try hard enough or weren't prepared enough. Take your win and shut your mouth. It appears your clan co-owner was pleased to get an easy match and easy victory. WCTL I may pop by for a visit and a chance to enjoy a "fun" war with you guys.
  9. chas lock It least they fought a bit even tho payout
  10. Payout is what this is all about! Its tons of fun to mop the floor with a weaker opponet and get lots of gold to do it but it becomes a different story when your the one being used as the mop.

    Typical bully mentality.
  11. @ladyboss611 - We don't throw the war, we try our hardest and are active the entire time - we just are real bad. Some of our members did put on mith spells and even used xtals. I can't give an exact number of the amount of people that used mith, as it's not a requirement - so I didn't check everyone.

    @llIIlIlSportspro22IlIlIII - Thank you and much respect to you and your clan.

    @BabyHandz - Thank you and you are welcome to stop by and join in one of our wars anytime.

    Thank you for your time,
  12. Only cowards hide in trees and shoot officers in the back. Real men stand in lines on a open battlefield and shoot each other but being brave isnt what wins wars, strategy is what wins a war against a superior opponent.
  13. If no one used pots or xtals or mith spells ... Ah the fantasy world if a 'free' app. Lol.

    Anyway, what's the point in whining that a clan prefers to not spend billions in gold, mith, and RL money on xtals?

    If the norm was for no one to use pots/mith/etc in a war then by your logic using them would be an exploit. Some of y'all live to whine about everything.
  14. I have been subjected to ridiculously mismatched wars, and never once complained. I fought hard and took it as a true learning experience. Experience that's is unwittingly be denied to these players they are claiming to help and train.
  15. They aren't you, don't project your own values on others.
  16. This is against how wars are supposed to work and the devs can take action against clan with enough evidence.
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