mith manipulation

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DO_ChaS_TM, Jun 17, 2013.

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  1. Wow!! Post wants the cake, to eat it too, all while the devs mess up and they get a nice bonus! Sounds like a great day lmao! Take a deep breath and get over it.... Might good there myself since I'm a war noob haha! Match ups aren't always fair so be happy with what you got yesterday, a win/bonus!
  2. The whole point of my original query has been completely lost. I wasn't singling out your clan (you're not the only ones doing this). Furthermore it is completely ridiculous to say you're helping new players experience the war experience if you are training them not to put forth any effort.
  3. We aren't training them to not put forth any effort. If we weren't putting forth any effort, our plunder would have been 0 - which it was not.

    Additionally, my apologies at thinking you were singling us out...since we warred in war 6. Guess it's just a coincidence. No worries !

    I am a bit surprised we got matched though, we were very out matched. Your clan did great, but most of our members are still trying to figure out what they should be doing during war, which attacks, who to attack, etc. We are a new clan and with time, we will be more refined and have some sort of strategy. Right now though, we are all learning together.

    Thank you for your time,
  4. So let get this straight. Your upset because your clan slaughtered another clan increasing your prestige and as a result you gained 42control mith and 1.6 billion gold?
    I see your point! TICKS ME OFF WHEN I WIN AS WELL!!!
  5. Clearly you're surprised you're goal was for a no match and when you got matched you had no contingency plan in place. You came with no stratagy, and no war reddieness. What can be learned from that? You're doing a great injustice to those poor noons.
  6. Who is the real coward, the eagle who defeats the mouse or the mouse who smiles and flips the eagle off?
  7. If this happens the devs just take your mith and all that...bans from war etc

  8. That's a trick question, right?
  9. I pick the mouse because he is too lazy to fight. At least the had the guts to rosk its life for a prize :))
  10. I pick the mouse because he is too lazy to fight. At least the eagle had the guts to risk its life for a prize :))
  11. How am I "clearly" surprised?

    FYI: We did have a plan in place, it was discussed in cc and put in the clan announcement.

    We were obviously ready for war, or we wouldn't have signed up.

    We are doing a great service for the people that want to see what war is all about and not spend $30b or ruin their build.

    Thanks for all the misinformed bold claims and wrong assumptions, please refer to my original post and get off your high horse - tyvm.

    PS: You sure you weren't singling us out? Sure seems like it.

    Thanks for your time,
  12. No, you brought yourself into this discussion not me. I only wanted to hear what the kawmunnity thought of said tactic.
    You were not war ready, justify your actions as may but to come to war without casting top 4 or having pots is not ready and not a proper training process. You're not only exploiting us, but robbing
  13. New players who don't know any better the real thrill and challenge of the game.
  14. I get it now! :)
    Your ticked off because they didnt waste 30 billion in pots for you to steal.

    You dont care if they lay down and lose, you just want them to give you 30a billion a piece lol
  15. Wow I have no idea how how got that other then an overactive imagination. Once again this thread has diverted from the original query. If your only point is to insult me then you have no point.
  16. Actually the KAW community is a close one. Older players know each other and could set noobs up to be farmed while they think they are trying to war. Order them to attack players they cant beat. Meanwhile each owner gives each other a list of players to hit. The idea would be to strip the suckers of their wasted cash.

    It also explains a lot of stupidity in war that i have seen:)
  17. Not trying to insult you. I just dont believe you care about noobs. You strike me as aperson who step on others for self gain.
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