mith manipulation

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DO_ChaS_TM, Jun 17, 2013.

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  1. That, too. I know i dont wanna spend a shitload of gold on pots just to lose a war.
  2. They told me themselves their intention is to let members experience VP EB.
  3. I hope they didn't get their 50 mith 'compensation' since they got exactly the war they wanted, and it even wasted an hour less of their time to earn their VP eb.
  4. I'm sure they got the same compisation we all did.
  5. What do you mean, 'what'? Op asked if they should be allowed the mith eb if they don't mith up. He didn't ask when is an appropriate time to cast mith for EE.

    In my opinion, no. Don't spend, don't get reimbursed. Simple.
  6. you get easy match. no big raging for an hour or 2. you get your reward.. now you still complain. silly personality.

    if i will be matched on those guys. i surely thank them for my easy win. and glad they have some mith rewards too.

    im a giving person. not a greedy one who wants all and dont want to share some.

    easy match; easy win. its a better day than matched with rising hawks or battle grounds..

  7. jerynats, where's the fun in that? I would rather a very even and very close fight. Those are the best.

    If you've ever been in a lopsided war, there is no surprise. At the end, there might be some jokes like "Man, how'd we win they were tough?" or "Holy cow! Look at that! We won by 5b!". Everyone already knows the last update.

    With a close fight, you can feel cc jumping with anticipation. People are constantly checking the war history. The big surprise of a good win or a unfortunate defeat.
    That's why I EE ^ love it.
  8. I am here for the thrilled and challenge of war. I'd rather loose a hard fought battle then to beat a coward, but that really wasn't the point.
  9. Let's take OP's comments in proper context. Currently, TVP is awarded to the losing side as a compensation. This is a concession that was hard-won by the Kaw community after serious lobbying. It's hard to prove intent, but if clans exploit this (which seems very possible), then it will end up biting us back in the butt. Nothing wrong for OP to point it out.
  10. The clan the op is talking about has their intentions clearly written on their clan page. In fact their name says it quite well. Honestly I don't see how it isn't considered blatant exploitation, but that's just me.
  11. This issue hard to manage in clans i think ... maybe if two same families clans against each other (but they will rather dont hit on both sides).
    In every clan are ppl who fight under all costs and hate ppl who scared of enemy and show total disrespect to enemy (with no-mith cast or no-hit).

    ----> What could happen if ppl agree with no-mith in that clan?
    1/ winning clan could start osw = coz without mith on other side get small mith reward
    2/ clan which do this exploid get disrespect by enemies .. .some ppl could be farmed..
    3/ leaders will agree with mith and fight, but some members not = they will be kicked before vanish palanin
    4/ leaders agree with no-mith, they will lose ppl who loves wars .... and never comeback

    If someone want fix this no-mith issue (i dont think its isue, coz of 1-4 reasons what could happen) then best is change calculations of mith rewards in Vanish Palanin Epic. HOW?

    + add war result on losing side to vanish palanin plunder (your chance for mith = your_war_plunder_in_lost_war + your_plunder_in_vanish_palanin .......)
    ==> then is everything fixed ....... fighting in lost war will be valuable for all

    ===> ppl will hit in lost war, coz of more chance to get mith after Vanish Palanin....

  12. Lady boss is soooo dumb :lol:
  13. Actually winning a war has more reward the losing and doing TVP.
  14. If this makes you mad, start an osw with them till they disband. Bet they and other clans won't do that again.
  15. To be honest, the easy solution to this exploit is to hv a 1:1 Mith refund (up to 14) for the losing side. This was suggested earlier by Frog which I think is a good one. If you don't cast spell, you don't get a refund - simple as that. I thought TVP for the losing side was a great idea but now it seemed not be the case.
  16. That is a much better idea than TVB and whole clan doesn't have to sit around for an extra 1-2 hours.
  17. TVP not TVB
  18. Hello All !

    The clan the OP is currently nerd raging about, is my clan: "We Came To Lose".

    While I can understand her disappointment over, "not having an even fight" - I completely disagree with everything else she has said.

    First of all, we are a clan that was created for the sole purpose of letting people experience war at a very low cost, without having to buy 200+ of each pot, 14+ mith, or change their build. We see no reason for people to spend $30b to test if war is for them or not. Our clan is all about players being able to experience war, but without a huge financial or kingdom impact. Since all of our members are war newbs, that are trying out war to see if it's for them or not - there is no possible way we can expect to win. There are tons and tons and tons of clans for new players / low cs players for ebs, why try to get the same thing - but for wars, disbanded? That just seems silly to me.

    Second, there is no reason our clan has to live up to some level of imaginary war "standards" that you (OP) have set for us. We can war any way we want to. There are no rules against warring for under $30b a person. Please try to be more considerate and significantly less arrogant in the future. If you get matched up vs us again - then don't mith, enjoy the war (we enjoy the heck out of it), kick up your feet, and have a good time.

    Third, Yesterday in war, I posted on all your members walls, "Perhaps now would be a good time to discuss the terms of your surrender?" When clearly we had no chance at winning, but as a joke to say hi to all your members. Out of everyone I posted, maybe 2 (OP included), seemed to think I was serious and got all roid rage on my wall about it. I see no reason why jokes can't be made between people at war, or is that not allowed in war too? Radio Silence...err Wall Silence - no posting on any walls of anyone in the opposing side during war or get booted and farmed for a week and any clan you join osw-ed ! ....Riiiiiight.

    Lastly, this game is meant to be a game - people play it differently than others and should fully be allowed to play it how they want to. No one should be forced to play according to other people's imaginary standards. It's a game, HAVE FUN!

    Thank you for your time,
  19. We go into war trying to win...We just don't spend billions to do so..So We most likely will lose.And come's almost a gaureenteed win for the other clan...That's good for them and fine for us..!! YES We do it for VP but that's only 8-15 mith for us and a lot more for the other clan.
  20. Wow nicely said retribution, let the new players war. I've seen so many people say grow a little bit and learn the game before you war. It's nice to see a clan to welcome them without forcing them to build a certain way, or spend a certain amount.
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