mismatch in lb indi war roster

Discussion in 'Wars' started by TAN_DATA_GRA, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. That's not really fair to IMF though. Kinda punishing him for investing so much in their game
  2. Imf wars a lot - he's not really losin. He prob would prefer not warrin if he's gonna get the short end of the stick in indi wars.

    The blowouts are so bad that it's almost a waste of time to prep and war - the only chance you'd have would b adv wars or the other side not Havin a WC or tracker.
  3. I understand but remember when devs tightened the match making a long time ago and it caused a lot of no matches? Forums was an endless river of crying and complaining. I'd rather have a 50/50 chance of getting butchered or winning than sit up late just to get a no match. Someone's gonna be unhappy either way.
    Personally I'd rather get a match and try to win even if I lose. I play this game to play it, not to wait for hours to see a no match. So long as the matches keep flowing and we don't go back to the excessive no match days I'm happy as can be
  4. Yes tiger totally agree. One can't understand my frustration if they have not warred in lb. I'm not talking couple of wars it's like this since season 4. I can tell you with 95% certainty which side will win just by looking at top lb. in reality it's not fair to top lb also. But then it's unfair to rest of team as well. Please stop commenting if you don't war in this tier. I have warred in tier 2 and things are lot more smooth there. I'm talking about lb tier.
  5. I've also warred in top tiers, used to war at Devastation and SOTUW, so I've seen exactly what your talking about. but it's your thread bro I hope things get worked out for you so you enjoy it ️
  6. Lol claims top tier but mentions sh stacking clans
  7. Ya bc God knows zaft didn't used to stack LB Giants with all those cracker GH back in the day  bisch pleeeaze
  8. Any other ideas??
  9. I believe this problem could be fixed by sitting out the top lb if his bfa is much greater than the #2 and #3 casted. It's much fairer to sit him out than to compensate the other team with 5 extra lbs.
  10. Styles agrees with the tiger
  11. Agree brotoday there was no big lb so match up was awesome and was such a close war. Compared to 15-20 bill differnce wars
  12. See my recommendation makes sense

    ~the wisdom of the tiger~
  13. Lol get more support tiger 