Military Advanced

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by StonerWolf, Feb 4, 2015.

  1. Facts are facts

    Currently the is military is cutting troops drastically (don't have to look hard to find that out) and they are cutting troops that no exceptions had to be made for. Thank you for having the desire and want to serve, the military needs all of it they can get. But with the way things are currently going, unless you have 110% of everything they want it's not looking good for entry. Don't let this discouraged you, but also know what your up against.
  2. U.S. military consists of less than 1% of the total population

    Just saying
  3. Military discussion can't be public go to a recruiter it will be one close to where you live
  4. While the military has cut a pretty hefty percentage of members already recruitment hasn't slowed. Those cut were those who couldn't pass PT tests and past Article 15s, things of that nature. The undesirables.
  5. False.

    You dont have to do those things in the marines. Those are the max score values. The marine corps standards are much lower than that. For men, its about 10 pull ups, 60 crunches in 2 min, and 3 miles in 25 min. But you dont have to meet that standard till after youve been in boot camp for some time.
  6. The IST (Initial Strength Test) consists of a 1.5 mile run in less than 12:30, 60 cruches and a minimum of 3 pull ups. Then a perfect PFT is 3 miles in 18 minutes, max set of 20 pull ups and 100 crunches in 2 minutes. Followed by the CFT which was put in place after I separated from the Corps in 08. OORAH, kill bodies!