Military Advanced

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by StonerWolf, Feb 4, 2015.

  1. Op, what branch?
    I just signed up for the marines, with a few minor conditions. No mental conditions though.
  2. Army is what I want to do
  3. You guys are helping me slot and I'm glade , thx all for advice: ) ...I'm going to see a recruiter on Monday.... N I hope my prayers get answer... all so thanks for no Trolls: -)
  4. What mental disorder?
  5. GED also, I wouldn't recommend. They don't like it, I'd finish hs out
  6. I'm just bearly to old to finish high school and if I went back I wouldn't make it because I'll be to old to be in it
  7. Devil that is an excuse I have heard to many times by to many people. You don't technically have to be in the class room to take high school classes. They are offered online and easier that way.
    I've taken an online class for my geometry because I failed the first half but I'm doing good now. Junior with 20.75 credits half way through the year. So yeah nothing is im(possible)
  8. With the amount of Mental Conditions that people in America have if they didnt let people into the armed forces that did have them, I doubt they would have a military at all.

    Just saying
  9. Its not just "people in america." Its the practice of psychology trying to cast its net as far and wide as possible so everybody who comes in can get a diagnosis. Having a diagnosed condition makes insurance claims easier and it makes it easier to categorize patients.

    I dont know if its even possible to walk out of a psychiatrists office without a diagnosis.

    I went in to see a therapist because i was feeling down about my GF breaking up with me, so he diagnosed me with "adjustment disorder."

    Theres a diagnosis for just about anything these days...
  10. OK, here's what you want to do.

    Go to the NAVY recruiter and tell him you want to be a Corpsman. You can't be a doctor due to you don't even have your GED. The NAVY has the largest amount of people in their medical fields as they run all Naval hospitals and cover the Marine Corps too. Also you have a chance of getting much better bases than any Army base here.

    Now as for the mental conditions, don't Ask here. Ask the recruiter, he isn't interviewing you, he is actively trying to recruit you. Huge difference.

    Also for God's sake be in shape. You better be exercising now. Will make boot camp so much easier. Luckily NAVY boot camp isn't that hard.

    Also study for your ASVAB. It's an easy test and I literally don't know how people fail it but people do.

    Good luck with all of this. Ask your recruiter about everything. He's not interviewing you, he's more of a salesperson and you already wanting to join is making his job easier. He can work out everything else to make sure he can get you in if he can.
  11. There will be certain AFQT scores you will need to score to even enlist in each branch of the military. With a GED, you will have to get 60 percentile minimum to even enlist. Army is taking GED holders, i'm not quite sure about the rest.

    AFQT Scores as follows;

    Army - 31 (GED holders need 60 percentile)

    Air Force - 50 (36 if you are a high school graduate and there has to be a job open and will require a waiver)

    Coast Guard - 50

    Navy - 50

    Marines - 32

    The asvab is broken down into 10 subtests. But only four of those make up your AFQT score which are Verbal and Mathematics. The other 6 subtests are used to determine which jobs you will be beneficial training for. And as far as your mental condition question, only your recruiter can answer that.

    Asvab is like the biggest test you will ever take in your life if you're persuing a career in the military (which you want to do) as it will determine which career you qualify for. Study for it, it can't hurt to review the things you long forgotten. And if you are doing or did alright in highschool then you'd have no problem passing it.

    Good luck.
  12. If he is going to be a military doctor, he will never have to take the ASVAB...
  13. Everyone takes GEDs but the Airforce if I remember correctly. They technically do but most of their recruiters won't give you a chance with a GED. Marine Corps and Navy are more lenient but difficult with it still. Army is easiest but you'll get better training for most of the medical stuff in the Navy.
  14. We get our info from Google.
  15. This is 100% false.

    If OP wants to be a doctor, the military will not be the ones providing the education. He will be going to the medical school of his choice at any accredited university in the U.S. (Assuming the university accepts him)
  16. take your Ged to an accredited college, take the compass, do 2-4 year degree (aa, or ba) transfer to university for masters then doctorate. After 8 years you can be a military physician.

    I think....
  17. If you read my previous post I said to become a corpsman, but you didn't. :lol:
  18. Becoming a corpsman would be a waste of time. I read your post, and its bad advice for what op wants to do :|
  19. Good luck becoming a medical doctor with a G.E.D. Hell you could be probably the first one ever to do it!!! Military might do you good, if you can handle the mental and physical stresses. Like a previous person stated you want to start strength training now and also work on conditioning to increase your stamina
  20. Military doctors are not required to attend military training...