Discussion in 'Wars' started by III--Arbiter_of_Justice--IlI, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. This is about loyalty. If I wasn't out item chasing, I might have had a better shot at getting in with them.

    Sometimes we roll the dice. Sometimes we crap out.

    In the words of Bruce Almighty - "That's the way the cookie crumbles."
  2. Or cheese. It's because ur potless, broke and have no ally. A real terror. Lol
  3. The hell you talking about? I just stripped your machine girl for 120b last night.

    I already told you, my pots and allies are banked.

    I have plenty of reserves banked in attack pots, cupcake - I can unbank at any time. :mrgreen:
  4. Stop crying it was not personal and if you keep the attacks I will farm you have a nice day
  5. Besides, I still have most of her allies. I can't decide which on of the KotFE members I wanna strip next. There are soooooo many juicy options! :mrgreen:
  6. I like top kingdom better than middle kingdom. It gets to stuffy being in the middle and all.
  7. I would like to know what KotFE plans to do about the "Cheese Problem."

    Attacking him repeatedly isn't working.

    He doesn't have any pots to burn, so there's no way of hurting him.

    He keeps banking all his gold in attack pots.


    He just won't shut the **** up! :lol:
  8. Uhm...eat him?
  9. :lol:


    Plz dun eat meh! :eek:
  10. But seriously, though. What does KotFE think they're doing to me? Do they honestly think a guy like me is gonna show them any respect at all after they ganged up on my friend and then did the same thing to me?

    Of course not!

    I'm gonna keep talking and talking and talking.

    And every few days, I'm gonna strip another one of KotFE's clannies.

    I'm gonna be such a pain in the ass!

    What the **** are they gonna do to shut me up? :mrgreen:
  11. You have 1 minute to pot up op

    Go! :p
  12. Look on the bright side OP.

    Now LR won't strip you

    ...but middle kingdom mite
  13. Nobody deserves a free ride to summer war tournament even if it is a friend or not. No offense but i have no sympathy for those kicked before roster lock. You cant expect a clan to accept you for war when they don't know how well you perform at war. It is to late in summer wars for a clan to trust anyone so do not bother trying to get in and if you do not know what i mean by that then u should stick to eb's.

    Last Rights
  14. Grim has an excellent point. I thought about applying to a clan for summer wars myself this weekend, but it's not really fair considering I haven't been involved in summer wars at all except for trial.
  15. I fought with MK, great people, you got kicked out, well, guess what? be happy, you are helping them by giving your spot to a higher stat player, have you seen LR? You would have been pinned 24/7, LR is a great clan too, i know people in both clans, just shut up and keep playing or leave the game!

     thank you come again 

  16. well said bro!! :p
  17. @Cheese, they could alway's give him to me. I make great French Onion Soup, but im alway's low on cheese.
  18. Brutallost please leave the thread :p