
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -IlIlI__DRAGONS_SLAYER__lIlIl-, Oct 7, 2011.

  1. lol i was think about drug to
  2. you guys are to silly 
  3. Meth is bad don't do drugs
  4. You smoke meth to dissapear?
    Keep smoking.
    "I try my shirts off"
    -SA- Winning since 09
  5. I have been pinned before and I think it's a bad idea. If you are so afraid of being hit then don't play. I'm not saying I wouldn't use it if the ability was there but I'm not a fan of making things too easy. Next thing you know people will be asking for a spell that freezes your account so no one can hit you while you are away or take your allies
  6. Crystal Meth is no joke!
  7. I dont really like it. But if it were to happen, you cant be in war while the spell is active.
  8. No just no.
    Spoils the whole purpose of this game, which is war.

    Hide your profile really?
    I don't see a difference between that and a 'godmode' spell to prevent hits.

    If this is to be implemented, think about how wars will be like.

    Everyone active on rooster activates the spell.
    Wola - win.

    Just my two cents..
  9. You said naughtyword ._.