Mercs Legion Memory Lane

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by __Speedos__, Nov 3, 2016.

  1. Yup from memory the name hellraiser was posted in CA i'm pretty sure when i was at MH. I remember some crazy funtimes in both MU & MH. Lol i remember that guy being a smart ass forming merc central station....
  2. congrats on post number 100
  3. Like war, famine, pestilence and death? That was a great arrival in a clan...
  4. Just sayn.... I mentioned lae in the first post ?
  5. Laelyr, Another Human, PaPa, Key, Jewel were the founders of Landing and ML. Many others came shortly after. ML grew and grew and formed Clans into a Family. Who can name all the ML clans from Landing to present?
  6. Who had the most alts in ML, that you know of?
  7. Not in the order they opened, genesis, horizon, uprizing, landing, legion, inception, haven
  8. Probably moe with his 36 accounts
  9. Moe definitely had the most alts in ML...war,famine, pestilence and death were all mine...I miss my alts lol
  10. I remember those alts, they had super cheery names
  11. no they wasn't 
  12. This was written by Laelyr:

    "With the emergence of so many EB Merc clans on KaW lately, it occurred to me that writing the story of how the very first ML clan got started might be apropos. I don't think that many kingdoms know our history and might be surprised at this massive clan group's humble beginnings. I'm not usually on forums, nor am I any kind of writer at all but I think this is a cool way to remind KaW of our origins and wanted to give it a shot, so bear with me and be kind haha.

    I started playing KAW around Christmas in 2011 and my first clan was a small family clan called "Twisted Fate." It was owned and run by a husband/wife team and they had other family members in the clan... lol truly a family clan! That's where I met Jewel82, Papapawnage, and the owner's half-brother who became my good friend Seppy.

    Sepultura_, the easy going master of sarcasm and wit, always made light of how serious everyone takes this game. He was fun to be around and after about 2 and a half months of being in one clan doing the same eb's over and over, he offered to show me the "great big kaw world." I lmao now because I was only maybe just 1mcs when we started item hunting together. I will never forget spamming my first FOD lol!

    Some of the first clans we would frequent were Rage Against the Machine, Zerg, and Castles of Loyalty. I liken leaving Twisted Fate those first few times to "sneaking out the window" because it was kind of frowned upon by "mom and dad" and usually when we wanted to get back into the clan all the Admin were already asleep. But boy was it fun!!!

    Mercs Landing was Sep's idea as a place for us to "land" when there was no body home at Fate. The idea blossomed into a wayside retreat for ANY mercs who wanted to chill for a spell. "Hit and Run or Stay and Play" was in the ca a lot and we would go back and forth between Mercs Landing, mercing, and Twisted Fate.

    In those days, it was mostly just friends' clans needing help, they would pm me and I would copy/paste the Eb, phase, perceb and time left into cc, and then pm of all the merc friends I had come to meet, and others who I just knew liked to help. After a while, members in Landing and other mercs started watching my wall when I was busy or asleep as the word got out that we were helping clans with Eb's. Yes I was the first Saveme!! lol

    As you can imagine, my wall got very busy very quickly and the clan filled up fast! After Sep retired, I was in need of some major support, after all we don't play KAW the way it was designed and there's so many things that come up on a regular basis that other clans don't really have to deal with. The first Council was formed as a small group of 5 of us original mercs: Papapawnage, Jewel82, KeyserSoze, AnotherHuman (a.k.a. -_Death_-)

    Shortly following the formation of council, we opened Mercs Uprizing, then Genesis then Horizon, then Legion... and THAT, as they say, is another story!!"
  13. I stand corrected, the Mercs I listed were the first council members. :)
  14. Great clan great idea for kaw