Re: Mercaholics VS. Crimson He did leave voluntarily. Saved me kicking him out, I'm just posting to make him think of his actions
Re: Mercaholics VS. Crimson Yes and now we're requesting to leave. Please may Mercaholics and all members (Hero_Saphire isn't included in that) request CF from CrimsonVixen and friends. I, Gunner apologise for the purchasing of your last ally in a strip attempt by Hero. I didn't mean to invade in your 1v1 affairs with Hero. The story can be seen below: A KaW friend joined (Hero_Saphire), said he wanted the clan for an hour. I assumed it was for the achievements. He then used it to make himself look bigger. Asked me to hire (name) so he could buy it back later because I was the link to the ally. Turns out that ally which I bought was the last one CrimsonVixen owned. Mercaholics got attacked for me "stripping" Crimson. She got really mad, which is understandable and fair. The ally I had bought then reset on me, so all evidence is lost.
Re: Mercaholics VS. Crimson I will grant your cf however get your own fact straight. I asked for a forum apology for helping in an attempted strip. I realized that was a little much and changed it to a wall apology. This you ignored, and I decided to hit your clan. Your clan and another merc clan were hitting me. You voluntarily put your own clan at war. Enjoy kaw ️
Re: Mercaholics VS. Crimson Me how ever is still in osw with one take omen whole entire clan to pin me
Btw it was only Mercaholics hitting, however i suddenley got inc from Zerg, a omen member and Black Hand member
Re: Mercaholics VS. Crimson Yup player, I was hitting you. Now, before you can complain about me still hitting you and breaking CF, I shall remind you that I'm not part of the 'group' that crimson called in. Actually, I'm hitting you on my own free will, you can still return hits if you want, that's up to you.
We have a job to do and thats merc its pretty sad to see people try to prevent us helping out other clans and instead people rebeling against us when you guys want help dont come crying to us in the future (people hitting us)
Re: Mercaholics VS. Crimson Player your own merc clan called for mercs. You'd be the last people I'd call for help.
Hence why you called all your friends to a battle between you and us, you cant even battle fairly and merc clans work together you dumass