Merc Wars - A Time Past

Discussion in 'Wars' started by _________san__________, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. I remember wars were i wouldn't sleep more than 8 hours the whole war because i would be fighting, chatting and getting mercs to pay us a visit.

    My favorite clan i ever warred at and my favorite clan to this day is destroyers legion.
  2. Well said... Those were the days.
  3. They are coming back.... Slowly. I've been in several lately. With many of the same guys from the pre-ee era of kaw.

    Ty v, sir Duncan , smudge and the rest for helping being fun back to the game.

    Curtish. I remember fighting with/against you.

    Good days. 
  4. I miss those days :) the wars would almost always start as no merc no strips  but turn the opposite. Then inadvertently lead to osw lol . But then there were those that stuck to the rules , war end, shake hands ( virtually ) move on  sigh good old days hahaha
  5. ._. Send alt over as a spy :p and get caught o_o
  6. Clan wars before the clan system: I still say Patriots beat Chaos BBK just didnt want to admit it on Forums

    Hollow/NaL war: Back when clan wars were ultimate and you couldnt sleep 5 minutes at night. Shoutout to my best AngelsLight for saving my ass from a strip when I accidentally fell asleep for two minutes! Never forget the good old days.
  7. I remember learning this game from those war years. Getting my *** kicked then kicking ass. Those 48hr wars where u hardly slept all weekend, making excuses for why u didn't show up somewhere them calling off from work on Monday. Haha

    Met many people that way.

    Then EB's started and I had to twist clan members arms trying to get them to war in the weekend and failing. Like curt, I started warring with MERC INC and found myself being a member there for a year. Looking for wars and jumping in to turn the tide for the under dog.

    Those were the days now that are long gone.
  8. Wish I was around at that time. Sounds like it was fun 
  9. Tried bringing back them a few months ago, only a few signed up . I have 1 clan though if anybody would like to have one
  10. Might be fun to just setup an open roster 48 hour merc war... And see which side can get the most friends to join...
  11. I hate the turtle wars - I'd have to go up and down roster to find someone open to hit - most times they were closer tighter than a nun's thighs
  12. The reason I fell in love with KaW, the crazy set, but not locked rosters-the stress when the other side looked like it was beginning to merc..
    The OSW that often resulted from a SW, and how did did I stay awake for sooo long!!! I loved the 48hr wars back then, don't miss the spy stand off starts though!

    I miss being able to fight from the high ground-remember a time when you could sometimes do that? When a mass crystal allowed you to turn a war round from being pinned, to pinning!

    I don't miss the idiots joining wars, then casually commenting 'ok, I'm off to bed, to the beach, out partying now', but I do miss the exhausted messages of everyone trying to keep each other awake, and all feeling the pain of the marathons!

    I'm happy that Merc Inc took me in, a small tight knit clan with our reputation for turning wars round- some of my closest friendships and bonds were formed there, with my MI brothers and sisters.

    It is with sadness that I look at how KaW has evolved away from these wars, and how it has killed a good number of clans as EE places a different set of demands on warring-gone are the days of scouring WC and active war listing searches, of sitting in a tiny clan, trying to force it to merc up by prescence of 'bigger accounts'.

    EE doesn't suit my lifestyle, so I rarely partake, but it is good to see Kaw returning to some sort of war systems again rather than only plunder wars and EBs. (remember the merc wars with members crying they were being farmed?)

    For those of you guys organising SW's again, please invite me-I miss them like crazy!

  13. I liked the pwars better. But it was always fun to have a big merc join your side in a friendly real war
  14. When your osf gets caught on the other side. :lol:
  15. When people were dumb enough to have a pure spy with allies on the roster... Yum yum 
  16. My fondest memory of merc wars (I used to join alot) was always joining one side and taking the lead with my other merc friends until those pesky OS (Osiris) Joined other side and kicked our arse.

    I remember it happening 10 times in a row once.

  17. I vote for devs to make an unlimited member 2 Side merc war an all can join
  18. And we hey mith a plunder after it :) no xtals and a 48 hour war :)))
  19. Hitting outside the war with pure spies :D
  20. Lol@Curtish "points" 

    I do remember many strip farming after or even during the wars whereby inactives, non-performers, some say "victims" could be from either side due to a few "mercs" not being happy of a "fair" war. YES: good fairplay, both sides would start farming their own or opposite counterpart

    P.S Curt: I do remember one of the greatest masterpiece or "comeback" of all times that...hmmm left many people unhappy, LBs pissed etc after many hours of war