Merc Station Alpha vs. Mercs Legion and Mercs Uprizing

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ISS_TyRaNt, Jan 24, 2013.

  1. Just read the entire thread (was bored) mercs in this game help those in need a noble cause... Besides some arrogant posters (on both sides) surely were fighting for the same team? Not getting into the politics but surely you guys fight battles on your wall us guys fight battles on your wall... We exist in the same game... A clan decides to post on both walls their choice. I speak as an individual not on behalf of ML :)
  2. *us guys fight battles on our wall... Fail
  3. very old thread! :lol: u rock ML :cool:
  4. 1 ass kicking for mercs legion gj specially since they called in help
  5. Idk if I'd say they are kicking ass. In fact I wouldn't. It's roughly 60(us) vs 400([them] that's the number owner gave for ML family wide, I'm guessing more like 200), and we're doing just fine...I Promise.
  6. Trying to speak without bias as im ml, this is just another osw, were all doing our own thing here. I feel sorry for the clans, struggling now because were at war. This may have been settled better in a system war so we can all get back to work. Ps good luck to all parties
  7. A Ceasefire agreement has been reached.

    MSA - Best of luck building your clan and enjoy the adventures ahead. Always a pm away =)

    Mercs Landing family - I see a lot of drive and potential among your ranks that I haven't seen in KaW for a long time. Laelyr is a topnotch leader and I'm sure she will lead you down a path of greatness in this game. It was a pleasure.
  8. Much respect to you Mercs! Had a blast! Keep fighting, and thanks for the Osw! Y'all kept fighting to the end. Cheers!! Appreciate it and good luck in the future.
  9. Want everyone merc that was hitting me good job. You all do have some potential and its fun playing the game right? Keep it at that. A game.
  10. Respect to Mercs Legion.

    Great OSW. You kept my news feed interesting!

    Met some great warriors! - You know who you are.

    All the guys at 46&2 it was an honour to fight beside you. You guys have been fantastic.

    Tyrant - Merc Station Alpha
    Leader, Co-Owner, Co-Founder.
  11. Glad to see things getting settled.

    Mercs Legion Members - I believe we have the most loyal and respectable merc team in Kaw. I would not want to fight beside anyone else and am honored to call you all my friends.

    Forty six and two - Thanks for keeping it respectable and glad we could come to terms. Osw against iProphet and his clan was an experience to remember and we enjoyed every minute of it.

    MSA - I have nothing to say to you since we never spoke at all, except enjoy mercing and stay clear of our walls.

    Happy Kawing - £æ
  12. I would like to thank iProphet for his CF request to our Leader to end his clans valiant struggle during the OSW and also for his sincere words. iProphet is an upstanding individual and has much respect
  13. Be WiThOuT FeAr In ThE  FaCe Of ¥oU® EnEm¥'$ Μξя€$ £ΕGïφИ
  14. Finally at last we can go back to being eb warriors. The in need of help have our attention again :p
  15. Respect to all. Keep putting the "war" back into KAW.
  16. ML_BIGMOE_ML, your post breaks CF as far as I'm concerned. Suggest you fix that very quickly, or we'll get it back on
  17. i had so much fun thanks for osw. respect. ml the only family i have. 42 happy kawing
  18. As a matter of fact so do I gav.

    Don't get it twisted. We wanted an end to a silly war. My clan is just fine, we suffered no losses. However in 24 hours 10-15 mercs went potless and allyless with trillions was an act of mercy on my part. DO NOT MISTAKE IT!