^ You don't hit it?? Maybe they are focusing on hitting the enemy, and not a precious EB. Crazy? I know.
Lol, the fact that msa is failing an eb during osw is a sign that perhaps they actually know a little bit about osw. OSW is about pvp, not pve. OMG shocking!!
its odd that you're playing to victim, then you're claiming we aren't handing it too you. I am very upset that i have unloaded time after time on you to recieve no incoming where are these xtals you are talking about going?
So it seems ML is attacking MSA because they "stole" their idea. Got news for ya ML....you stole mine. 12 vs 140? Really. You poor sons of motherless goats better hold on tight. If you're wondering who is winning this war... It's MSA. If you're wondering who's gonna win...it's MSA. Laelyr your clan has 24 hours to stands down without further repercussion. After the 24 hour grace period, no quarter will be given to anyone who remains in your clan family. They will be tracked, stripped, and crucified. Your 24 hours began now.
Lol, don thats why i like you bud. Support to dondada!! Yes that means my banks and warriors are a pm away.
1 they can make clan farms. 2 your an attention grabbing whore who stakes some claim in all the osws :roll: 3 maybe they finish eb because all members are dtw :shock: 4 they aint bullying and pretty sure mercs station alpha is a piss take of mercs station as for ebs a good clan (mainly applies to hansel though) will be constantly pinned on ebs and by the time a target opens strip away at them. 5 your good friends regs finish ebs you mad at them too?