what I have to laugh at is using crystals to escape pin, only to reenter it again. how does that actually help? It's too easy for one side, if the other makes one wrong move, to kill and waste the crystal effort.
Tyrant, you're posting on my wall? Why did you need to comment back to me on here. Thanks fluffy bunny (yes I know I spelt it wrong) I was at mercs landing for a long time. I know the history. I know even what's going on now. I think this will give them to teach noobs how to get used to warring and things. Not much of a threat.
Rowlt used xtals to escape pin. yes thats a fact. We do that for the clans that asked our help to finish their EB
Hmmm what's ignorant is your creating a merc clan and then using our systems and job wall for your own mercs. Lol why don't you do your own work if you want your own glory and stop trying to ride coat tails. I for one know these clans have been built up from scratch and respect the work, sacrifice, and dedication that goes into them... Respect MERCS LEGION
Well, if you're warring, shouldn't your troops and spies be hitting the people hitting you? Not a eb. Also, I do say. 120 players are way too many. Yet last I heard not all the clans are hitting, so count incoming not clan rooster.
Woooooo, I used crystals to strip them naked that's all.... And god it felt good. Also amusing that they are using people outside their clan to fund failed strips...
We don't use saveme lol. We use helpus. It's not our fault you dont respond to jobs quick enough that people fell the need to ask us instead.
I have to laugh as well. Oh well, kaw, guess you're gonna have to finish ebs yourselves, because the mercs all have internal feuding... Since when do having the same goals and similar ideas constitute intense emnity lol