For the record, Russia is AWFUL for the LGBT community. Putin recently passed a law that restricts 'gay propoganda' - it basically says that you can't teach young people about homosexuality and all pride marches are brought to a violent end. The law also strongly links homosexuality with pedophilia [this got censored, but it involves children] (they are referred to in the same sentence) and many Russians view gays with the same hatred they view pedophiles. Putin had done nothing about the repeated acts of violence and **** towards gays. There was an incident last year where a gang stripped a man naked, beat him and forced him to **** himself with a glass bottle. There's a plague of these gangs in Russia - they film it all and post it on social networks. And the government does nothing about it - in fact, the leader of the biggest gang often appears on TV shows and is seen as a hero enforcing their ******** meterosexual agenda.
Happy the ruling was passed. As part of the LGBT community, I struggled with knowing that if I fell in love with a woman, I could not marry her, I could not love her in marriage. It depressed me for such a long time. I thought I'd have to marry a man, even though I'm bisexual, where marrying a man would make me happy just as marrying a woman would, I thought it was the only way, until this ruling was passed. I couldn't be more happy now, knowing that I can marry a woman legally. just sharing.
Russia is not several European countries, which was my issue. And it's also not the worst in the world.
I mentioned Saudi Arabia earlier. I found this on Wiki: The penalty for LGBT activity... Fines, floggings, prison time up to life, torture, chemical castrations,[1] whipping torture, and/or Death penalty on first offense. If convicted twice, you will be executed. Vigilante executions are very common as well,[2] especially by families who want to "save face". The police participate in executions/torture or turn a blind eye to it.[3] Islamic Sharia law is strictly and emphatically applied... Basically, gay is outlawed. You will ultimately be executed if you continue to follow your heart. America will be further hated for our freedoms. But that archaic approach to oppression has been lowered significantly this week. It's a beautiful thing.
It's not technically legal in all states, Texas will not allow gay marriage in there state and some county's in Alabama are making it so you can't get married period. Such as Pike County where a guy can't marry a girl, a guy can't marry a guy, and a girl can't marry a girl.
Here in Dallas, people have already married. Several couples have been married since the ruling. Wherever you heard this, it is incorrect.
I know the feeling! I am so happy for you and for everyone else than can be themselves, in love, legally and everything.
Source: Chron Magazine "The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday legalized same-sex marriage nationwide, striking down the remaining bans in Texas and a dozen other states by a 5-4 vote." Sorry bud. You're about to get a dose of man/man - lady/lady love. Embrace it.
Yep, Russia is a messed up country.... But the thing is, most Middle Eastern and African countries are worst...