Allow me to edutain you with the current spectrum in relation to genders and attractions in KaW LGBTQQIP2SAA L = That's the original loading screen girl and the new slightly nerdy loading screen girl.. They met at Cape Cod G = That's Jorathe.. He likes to do the Duvall crawl shirtless (It's the Main Street in Key West) B = That's Usaris... He likes both troll types T = That's the second loading screen girl.. She used to be a guy Q = That's Red Aperiun.. You know he's flaming Q = That's Moutos.. Still questioning I = That's the regular apheriun.. He's a skeleton so can have both equip P = That's Calydor.. He seem to love all 2S = That's Zuth'merck.. 2 spirits, many tentacles A = That's the bone dragon.. He's not interested in being identified with any nor It has interest in any A = That's cool Kaw players like me who support them all!.. Clear now?
Many things can be considered a mental illness from vegetarianism to anorexia. Mental illness is just something people refer to as not a natural thing for a member of a species by going against what they are naturally made to do. Anyways people have their choices and people have free will as long it's not affecting or harming anyone else.
Did you really just try comparing love to murder...? Wow I've never seen so much ignorance in my life.
You're distorting the message of what he was trying to say, get out of here with your flawed logic and think up a new rebuttle to what was stated.
Yes Sushi because his rebuttle would definitely win a real debate. Get outta here. @myassassin It's not just about being laughed at. Look at Russia for example. A young boy was tortured on camera by two adults and then killed. They posted it online because he was gay, it keeps happening. So **** outta here with your ******** saying it's just being poked fun at. There's more to it when adults are hurting children.
Well, Killzone. Let me break it down for you before you hurt yourself. Since shits too deep and you're having trouble here. My point is, the ideology that is presented to make it seem acceptable, is also a given excuse for murderers, psociopaths, child molesters, or any one else with a mental illness. "It's not our fault, We were born this way" So why not grant these people the same courtesy as we do for the homosexuals? The reasoning is the same. It was wrong 100 years ago. It's still wrong today. We've justified it to fit our lifestyles to avoid the guilt that it brings.
You're a special kinda stupid huh? Used to throw people like you off of cliffs, way back before the romans were an empire. Good thing that changed right? Otherwise you'd be rotting at the bottom of a ravine. TL;DR some changes are good. This is one of them. If you don't like it, it sure as hell sucks to be you.
Ah, you must assume that we all have the same opinion on what right and wrong actually is. Am I wrong for not believing right and wrong?
I agree Russia is conservative regarding LGBT rights, but it is not illegal and violent acts against homosexuals are being punished like any other violent act. It is legal in all European countries and half recognise either marriage or other forms of partnership. Almost all signed a declaration supporting LGBT rights, with the remaining ones being neutral (Russia and Belarus) Where as in Africa same-sex sexual activities are illegal in more than half the countries and are punishable by law with prison or death. Same goes for the Middle East and a few other countries from South Asia.
Pretty sure the Russian government is trying very hard to make life as difficult as possible for the LGBT community from state endorsed harassment to law changes to make it as difficult as possible to openly even discuss the issues
For the record, violence against the LGBT community is not prosecuted to the same degree as other crimes, if at all, in Russia. In fact, it is often the authorities themselves who are perpetrators of the violence, which leads to far less reporting of incidents.
What is it about homosexuality that terrifies you so much? How insecure about your own sexuality do you have to be to protect yourself by spewing such hatred? Let's face it, you are hating on a group of people for no other reason than who they are. If you were secure in yourself, you'd have no reason to hate others for something that does not affect you in the slightest. It really baffles me.
Exactly. What business of yours what others do? It's not. It's the thought of what they do that disgusts you, so you need to candy coat a scheme to end it. It's been going on for long enough.