Discussion in 'Wars' started by Davey_Jones, Oct 11, 2014.

  1. Not trying troll or anything, but if your gonna make that statements about not trolling you should try to respect other peoples threads.

    However i Do NOT support this thread. While i understand you guys may have worked very hard; students like myself who dont have the funds to war 200 times to get to 100 times as quick as you, nor the time to do that find it very hard to get to 100. I war sometimes 2-3x a day and still am at 45 medals.
  2. Support. Those xtals everyone has spent grinding for medals before the increase weren't free.
  3.  support , 5 straight Lost since i got the soulreaper... S3 equip was more easy to win than this medals thingy , only difference is the Indis give oportunity for any one to win Equip
  4. Strawb3rry
  5. No support
  6. Yea no support to medal increase. It's really not fair to the people that put in time throughout the whole season. Only solution I see is to adjust everyone's medal count now to reflect the increase. The individuals that warred so hard past week should not have to worry about new comers climbing the ranks so easy.
  7. I think troll stated best solution, think i stated it on last increase in medal payout. Just lower the amt needed for gear, has probably same effect that devs intend, get more gear out to more people. But would also fix the adverse effect of medal increase which is screwing over those fighting on boarder of top 500, 100 & 10
  8. Support. Even if i dont like troll lol
  9. I think this is a ploy to try to get more ppl into wars who haven't been warrin regularly.

    But what about ppl who have been warrin. It's pretty tirin to war for 5 weeks straight - startin to look forward to end of s4.

    But I think there should b a higher reward for ppl who have been warrin regularly since week 1 and not those who come late to s4.
  10. the rewards are fine, banners are a great incentive to war hard. Its just so very sad that devs went ruined most, not all the work that those of us already put in by making it easier to get medals. And with indi being so random it really hurts those on boarder line for the thresholds on teirs
  11. You guys can support this support that... Is in vain... Like always... Devs will change their minds and they will do what they want anyway... Regardless if is fair or not, or what community wants... Is not the first time... And will definitely NOT gonna be the last time :roll:
  12. Support to troll, I don't even need to make an argument everyone else here has it covered.
  13. And that is because they always make a campaign without a proper analysis of the event... and how will go that campaign. And when the results are not as good as they hoped for... They try to fix it... Buy ruining it more :lol: is a habit now... Lol
  14. Why is there medallions in the first place? Can they make a simple tally of war won? and a tally per type of war won?
  15. and support of course.
  16. Im sad to say i think you are correct antonio. I mean no offence to any lb with my next statement, but unless we get big support from the leader board players this will fall on deaf ears. Even though i have spent thousands of dollars on this game over the almost 2yrs i have been playing, i do not have the status or pull that the lb do as they have been playing and spending longer than i. So hopefully we can garner some support from them, which i find unlikely as the increase helps alot of them get the gear cause you dont see a whole lot of lb that have changed build for primals.
  17. It's because the 500 mark is so far below 100.