Discussion in 'Wars' started by Davey_Jones, Oct 11, 2014.

  1. Dividing and rounding up and down is taught at 9 or 10 here i think… i yet have to reach that age.
  2. I believe that.
  3. Maybe we knew there was an increase thats why most ppl even on lb accepted the increase of 3 and 2 medallions . however the latest one is doubling that just for last two weeks which is 3 and 4 times thr original amount. So you ppl looking for cheap and easy rewards but anyone thinking this is good for ee is mistaken. This will just kill it. Why are ppl gonna help noobs in indy etc if the vets get treated like this. Noobs dont want to listen they just want free rides.
  4. How is making rewards more accessible going to kill ee? Pretty sure it will have the exact opposite effect giving more of an incentive to war. You know like if the added more war times like you're always yelling for.
  5. YUP Read the solutions I posted. Quit posting the same stupid thing over and over.
  6. I read your solutions and even agreed with them. I responding to the dumb ass comment that it would kill ee. You'd have to feast on paint chips to believe added incentive would have an adverse effect.
  7. Support. Hate medal increases. Rewardsnthose that did not work hard
  8. Kill EE? Why should people war first 6 weeks if they can wait until last two and get same thing for half cost and reward? I won't in future.
  9. I agree that there should be no medal increase.
  10. Because as pointed out numerous timed by doing so you solidified your place on leaderboard. You're so concerned with the competition aspect but fail to admit that you did in fact gain something by warring from the .start.
  11. Uhm people war first 6 weeks cuz they want to be in the LB, and because it is fun, exciting, you win miths etc…
  12. No increase
  13. U think ppl.gonna wc and track for u noobs hence justa big mess in ee
  14. Yes I do. I think despite all the crying people will continue to war until the end. As evidence by you know people continuing to war. And if you don't so what maybe it will give someone else a chance to take the reigns and learn to do it. Either put your money where your mouth is and boycott or deal with it.
  15. Really dont see the difference because you are gaining same as them per win, except you have like 100 medals already, or whatever it is you have, however I do see your point, and it was unjust of the devs, so... Support
  16. With 1 hr shift in daylight savings my tz is even worse off so it means to me that i cant do half as many wars as i can before. E.g. wars started at 8am now start at 9am and so u cant do that if u are working but now those wars i cant do are worth 4 times the amount i did in week 1
  17. Increase sucks. Those who might be busy last few weeks get screwed outside of top 500 when they tried so hard to reach rank. Support.