Discussion in 'Wars' started by Davey_Jones, Oct 11, 2014.

  1. Warring with a sh In round isn't true warring buddy just saying if you don't ee u don't no which means your opinion isn't wanted by us.
  2. Because they said they wernt planning on changing the drop amounts.
  3. Ok let me put this in perspective noobs. You all lineup for iphone 6 overnight. Then apple does a promo where an android user can cut the line and get the iphone 6 at 75% off original price?. Is that fair even though they can do it. Would you be happy.Especially when u get to the counter and found out the last one got sold to the android user.

  4. I don't recall telling you what account I use, what build I use, or what war I use. So, don't speculate. I said I do EE, which means my opinion is accepted, but, regardless. Everyone's opinion is welcomed when they are supporting you huh?

    So, you're telling me that there are three war types and only 2(Or one) is true warring? Lol.

  5. They never said that. Allow me to quote what they said.
    They said, "at this point." Meaning, there was nothing set in stone on whether they would or not.
  6. Your analogy doesn't exactly fit the mold for this. But, I'd just have to live with it.
  7. Primal and Indi yes.round war is just stacking and a expiolt.

  8. Well it's included in this season, so, it's a legitimate war obviously. Regardless, I don't do round wars.
  9. Then what about the dumb difference in medal drop between the indi and primal/round? We at indi pay xtals too, this difference will throw me out of top 500. It's so unfair for us who only war indi!!
  10. Round wars aren't really legit season wars. The only reason we have them is because some of the roster stackers(sh/lb for the most part) complained about not having them. So, devs, listening to the community, put them in,
  11. Yeah, I know.

    Either they are or they aren't there is no in-between. For now, devs acknowledge them (Even with the problems)
  12. You see, here's the issue. (Coming from the perspective of someone who only does indi wars).

    People who are SH or friends with some reputable war clan can go in, do primal/round wars, win, get medallions, then go, do indi wars, then get more medals. Can you image the crapton of medals you can get doing all those wars? Got it? Ok, hold onto that image.

    People who spend months on their build to get it the way they want it to be (builds that are NOT acceptable with war clans) can only do indi wars because no war clans that actually win will accept them. Yes, about 95% of us are too stubborn to just switch builds because we love our builds. We want to keep them and not throw away months of gold searching just to do wars. That's the whole reason individual wars were invented. No matter how small or big or inexperienced or experienced you are, you can still war and have a good time. You can even get experience that war clans won't give to you. However, if your build is even an inch off, the war clans think you're a piece of crap account that isn't worthy of being in KaW, otherwise known as the "EB Fairy".

    This medal increase is to help people who only indi war to help catch up to those on the LB who do all three wars every day. To give us a chance to actually earn something just because we don't have the time, build, gold, xtals, ect to play with the big dogs and earn more experience.

    Now, as for OP, I know you do all three wars. I've seen you in indi, primal, and round wars. I'm happy for you. However, you don't see any of us strictly-indi war people complaining about not being able to do primal/round wars. We suck it up, do as many ind wars as we can, and hope for the best. We can't get into reputable war clans that will actually win, and not noob clans that hope they have a shot. Why on Earth are you complaining when you already have enough medallions to earn all the equip? What difference does it make to you, honestly? :lol:
  13. I think we aren't gonna see a change because no lb complain about this issue. The devs clearly only listen to the lb and give in to them. We community AKA normal players will never will treated the same. Total ********.
  14. I agree aj. And also to the person that said the Devs listen only to the lb. Devs just need to learn to make their own minds up.
  15. -Troll- got trolled by the devs. :lol:

    But I fail to see why you are complaining, you get the boost also, or are you to lazy to finish out the season?

    This is a lesson in life mate. Adapt to change and overcome obstacles. I also understand protesting this issue because you do not approve of it and I applaud you of that. Though the way you are doing it does not fix anything and only creates drama and unneeded tension.

    Again, I get the frustration, but I feel this entire thread is a hindrance towards your actual cause.
  16. Note: I understand why you would protest or be unhappy about the issue, I don't get why you are complaining in the manner that you are though.**
  17. I'm complaining in the manner I am because it's the only way to get the message across. I don't care about your opinion of my thread, don't like it, say so and leave. You didn't compete in season, why should I care about your input?

  18. And watch, they won't listen to the rest of us complain on this thread. Even though it has over 100 supporters in a day.

  19. AJ is just post farming and has been doing so all day. No he doesn't EE. He just has an opinion and has a loud voice and has to argue with every poster on a thread that doesn't even affect him. He can argue all he wants but the majority are against him.
  20. Not trying to be a dick -Troll-, I enjoy most of your post in forums actually.

    Just pointing out that doing this isn't effective. Lets the developers know your dissatisfaction, but you are only one player.

    Making a thread that brings up the issue and ask for others to post their discontent, and making a support style post would show that more players than just you are pissed about it.