Discussion in 'Wars' started by Davey_Jones, Oct 11, 2014.

  1. OK once again. How is it not consistent when everyone is getting the same Damn payout? Those that are on leaderboard merely have to keep warring. Non-issue...
  2. I'm not sure if you possess any ability to comprehend what I type, so this is my last response to you.

    It's not consistent because the levels of payout are doubling! If I war today and win I get 2, but if someone wars on Monday and wins they get 4 medals!

    They get twice the reward for the same price as people in the past. The past war period significantly longer so people who warred 6 weeks lose out.
  3. Because both parties gain it. Not just one.

    Yes, losses can and will hurt, but, if you're on the LB now, you most likely win a ton of wars. But, you aren't losing medals. Now, if you lost medals, I would support this thread.
  4. You are losing medals in comparison to other people gaining them. AJ it's a competition between people not to just gain medals. That's what you overlook in your analysis.
  5. And if you war on Monday and win you get 4 medals, too. So,Uh,same ability to as the person behind you. How are you at a disadvantage? How are people that couldn't catch you before when you both had same payout going to catch you now? I said it before but I will repeat it. This only effects those on leaderboard that were planning to stop before the end and sit on their lead. Period.
  6. Your gripe then, is that you will get penalized for inactivity. Well,the simple answer is to be active. It really isn't that difficult.

    Damn you devs! I wanted to log of the last 2 weeks and still get top tier goodies!!!! Screw you for keeping the field competitive and interesting.
  7. Exactly moose that's all it boils down to and only thing that could be complained about.
  8. No my gripe is, you get penalized for doing wars at beginning of season rather than 2 week. Nice try moose, please make some more useless commentary.
  9. The inky thing you get "penalized for" is wandering off in a drunken stupor because you thought you were "safe"

    Sadly, this is a war game, and no one is really ever safe.

    So, play on. Protect what you've earned.

    OMG. I feel threatened in a war game. Please devs.eliminate my risk.
  10. Thank you Moose for your well thought out recent comments.

    Unless you have something new to add, or are directly referenced by some here please remove yourself from the thread.
  11. It's true that when we started out the season we communicated that fact that we did not have intentions of increasing the drop rate of Medals at that point. This meant that we would not be having ramping the medals up on a set schedule where they would increase week after week

    However, as with all of our events, we continue to monitor progress over the course of the entire event, and from time to time do make changes as necessary. In this case, despite our original progression predictions we had there were not as many players on track for each tier of rewards by the end of the event as we had hoped and so the development team made the decision to increase the rate of medals being earned.

    For those of you who had a tier just out of reach, it's now much more obtainable and we wish you the best of luck in reaching your goals.

    For those of you in leaderboard positions, as long as you continue playing as you have been prior to this increase you shouldn't have anything to worry about. This drop increase affects everyone in the exact same way, and so with the same amount of effort, you'll see the same sort of results.
  12. @kaw community

    Why not decrease the requirements to receive equipment rather than increasing medals rewarded?

    This will allow more people to receive equipment while maintaining the integrity of the leaderboard. Seems like a win-win solution.
  13. You're not getting penalized.... by doing those wars you established your spot on the leaderboard, you built up a lead. Penalizing is taking something from you or putting at a disadvantage. Neither of which has happened anyway. You may argue that your early efforts were diminished to an extent. But in no way are you being penalized.
  14. I feel that actions like this only work to diminish overall turnout for next season. If everyone knows it's pointless to war the first 6 weeks and only do the last 2 weeks because devs ALWAYS up everything towards the end then next season will see less warriors during the first 6 weeks.
    That and it also is a shot at your paying customers. The ones who paid already for the 6 weeks are now being forced to continue to spend.

    Also, I would ignore moose. All he does is jock the devs and beg for a stupid "stock market BB". Seriously, anyone with an idea that stupid doesn't deserve anyone paying attention to any other advice, tips, comments he has to make lol
  15. exactly it diminishes the value of weeks 1-6

  16. Okay,

    1. You aren't forced to spend. You spend what you want. Crystal requirements are clan made, not devs.

    2. If they people who are LB continue to war and win(Yeah, you guys get the bonus too!) You have nothing to fear.

    Your efforts aren't diminished because you have a huge lead already and if you keep warring, you are safe.
  17. I have to say troll, after all the times the developers of this game have screwed their paying customer base over(especially you) it makes me wonder why you still even spend. I'm not trying to take a shot at you, but I mean if they keep screwing you, and you keep letting them, who is really at fault.

    Screw me once, shame on you. Screw me twice, shame on me. Screw me 3 times and we're considered a couple. Lol
  18. That's still not being penalized and still doesn't change leaderboard. And for the record I think it's crap what devs have done. I hate their stupid ass lawyer speak saying things like we didn't 'intend' to give them a cheap out. I wish for once they would exercise some honesty and integrity in regards with how they communicate with the community.
  19. This post sounds not very well thought out. If people can get more from wars now, that means YOU TOO CAN GET MORE FROM WARS, doesn't mean anyone will catch up , just gives a better chance for everyone to get equip possibly .