Discussion in 'Wars' started by Davey_Jones, Oct 11, 2014.

  1. @Moose

    I'm not going to quote that mess because it gets too confusing quotes in quotes.

    If the devs answer a question to a player on page 2 of a thread, for a brand new event, it is going to be read by the entire community. Look at the season 4 thread, it has neary 57K views.

    I don't believe it is the player base at fault here, it is the developers. Literally hundreds of people didn't expect and don't want a medal increase.

    Do I think the developers did this out of spite? No I don't, I don't believe they actually play their game and know the consequences of changes like this. I don't believe that they properly communicate what the tell the community about updates and future events.

    I offered 2 means at which they can rectify the problem, and you don't even acknowledge those. Why don't you stop blindly supporting your co-workers and send them the potential fixes.

  2. How are they demeriting anyone IF you planned to war ALL season? You will keep all of your hard work and position if you continue your current war pattern

    Attacks aren't needed.
  3. "What you have to do" is not a problem description of this update. They don't have to do it, I offered 2 alternatives which would solve the problem and not ruin the competitive nature of the event.
  4. Aj maybe I didn't plan to war allllll season, and maybe that's why I worked hard up until now?

    Trying to get ahead so I don't have struggle, and literally doubling medal payout destroys that.
  5. @AJ haven't you thought that some people warred hard at start so they can actually rest like normal people?

  6. They wanted to stay consistent and apparently they couldn't. So, they did what they had to do. Granted some player will dislike it.

    P.S. This quoting of quotes is getting tedious
  7. I don't blindly support ATA. Actually, behind closed doors, I'm a pain in their ass, and there has probably been more than a few times they wished they hadn't modded me, as I'm vocal and active.

    Beyond that, however, as I stated earlier, your point on not likening the medal increase could have stood on its own, but when you used the devs quote of "at THIS point" (there are many points in the game, mind you) you got I to trouble with me.

    Tell me why you don't like medal increases and I'll respect your opinion. Misunderstand what a developer told you and you'll have conflict with me.
  8. Double medal payout doesn't help you from not struggling?

    One does not simply rest during a competition, if you choose to rest, you loose your spot.
  9. Why I don't like the medal increase?

    Because it ruins to competitive nature of the event. People, including myself, have spent 6 weeks warring and setting paces for placement in the top 500.

    Then out of nowhere, and update is made which changes the require pace for every person participating in the event.

    It allows people to spend half of the time and money to achieve the same tier achievement, it allows people who have worked for 6 weeks to be passed by people who will only war for 2 at a doubled rate.

    It is a competition, based on consistency and participation, and this update ruins it.
  10. Why give someone that puts very little effort into The wars a "huge competive advantage to reach a milestone that a committed player does"
    Moose think baseball home run records would u be pissed if someone was allowed all of sudden to use a aluminum bat after to you had to use wood to set the record?
    My efforts and activity shouldnt be dwarfed to "lessen the efforts of others"
  11. The only thing wrong with your analogy, is that both teams get the aluminum bat, not just one team.
  12. Here's a solution if we stop participating in these events maybe they will realize that the top players are the big spenders . Why should we bother doing wars when we can just jump in last min and get in the top 100 or even top 10 ? So basically everyone else has wasted their time and money for weeks . Might as well end the season now rather then trying to make your pockets bigger with our money .
  13. This game has and always will be "unfair". *cough* pay to win *cough*. It sucks but that's the way the cookie has and always will crumble. Anyways support to troll.
  14. Actually AJ you totally analyzed that analogy wrong.

    What he's saying is player A hit 250 home runs in his career then retired.

    Player B has hit 150 but suddenly he is allowed to use an aluminum bat. This increases his ability to hit home runs and therefore pass player A.
  15. Ever hear of the steroid era in baseball? Its already happened, and most of those records are allowed to stand. So........ Yea........
  16. Let's add this too:

    Then player C who started his career later than player A and B, using the aluminum bat has the capacity to beat both their records in less time.
  17. Ahh, well. I don't see where he said one player retired.

    Meaning, both players are still playing and both are using the same tools to play the game. So, it boils down to skill.
  18. So this update is like the steroid era in baseball. Good to know.
  19. I know if a that players worked their ass weeks 1-6 because they knew they couldn't participate in week 8. This player is top 100 and going to get screwed.
  20. That's irrelevant because player a isn't retiring .and unlike a professional athlete you're not slowing down with age. It's a fail analogy because you both have the exact same ability to keep playing with the same payout. You still have your giant head start and the ability to earn at the same rate. So what exactly is the problem?