Discussion in 'Wars' started by Davey_Jones, Oct 11, 2014.

  1. AJ, it seemed like it. Well I wouldn't assume, this is all my opinion and based on what I am reading from your comments.
  2. I agree with Troll Devs stated at the begining of the season "There will not be an increase in medallions." This is the second increase in scrolls after weeks of struggling to get 1-2 medals then 2-3 medals each war. Devs you are messing up big time your giving in to the masses. I understand up the medallion drop and get more participants to support your greed with Crystal and Nob purchases. I've quit warring and almost quit Kaw do to the horrible match ups and nothing is getting corrected. This explanation is more than enough to see why more medallions is unfair to the hard working warriors that haven't quit your minimal planned war matching system. Devs support your warriors for once not the hte EB farries.
  3. Devs stated they "didn't plan to" not that they wouldn't. Your quote from that even supports their position to do whatever they'd like to.

    Nothing to see here, but literally Troll, trolling...
  4. You forgot the part of the quote that said "at this time"

    Partially quoting KaW admin is dishonest and unfair.
  5. Yes I see I miss quoted that my bad 
  6. Moose, my comments are all based on what the devs said.

    Logical or emotional doesn't matter. We state our own educated opinions based on facts.
  7. How could you even compare this situation to cancer??? Just wow that not cool
  8. But I would agree on the part, Moose, that kaw admin is dishonest and unfair.
  9. Regardless, I support the community's discussion (and the outrage).

    It isn't exactly bait and switch because the DEVS left themselves an out (see post #1 of this thread), but still. As a guy with 12 medallions I don't really care, but for those who played a lot the last 6 weeks because they couldn't now... I feel their pain.

    I support the DEVS here, only because they left an out (which they've exercised).
  10. If we are going on facts...

    FACT - devs said that. "At this point no, we're planning to keep it consistent so that effort at the start is just as important as at the end."

    Alright, now, you can still claim that you don't want the medal increase to happen, but, you can't claim that the devs have gone back on their word in anyway.
  11. Fact. Devs said "at this time"

    Fact. "At this time has no bearing in tomorrow.

    Fact. You refuse to see the facts
  12. So what if others can get the EQ faster? They are getting it 4x cheap and at a 4x quicker rate.

    Can devs not plan a good season without any changes. Can they not give a competitive goal and not an unrealistic one?

    Ok so devs said "plan", but what did they plan on? Their first payout was 1 medal having me to do 100 war wins. With a 50/50 chance that means 200 wars hypothetically. 162 indi wars the entire season . They "plan" that?

    Then 2 medallions at the 2 week mark. Made things a bit reasonable. If you had 12 medallions like me in week 2 then you were 88 medallions away. Meaning 44 war wind and we have 100. Only 126 indi wars left.... Meaning i have to win 1/3 of the wars left and have to participate in 2/3 of all wars left. Devs "plan" this as well?

    But when **** hits the fan devs press the panic button and say forget all the hard work and give them 4 medallions at week 6!

    The devs had no "plan", and they screwed us all in the process. Maybe because AJ you didn't do 80 wars (xsalts) for 6 weeks. But devs are showing no respect to anyone.
  13. For the self rigorous among us who got offended by my doctor analogy, I will give you another one....

    At this time, my ice cream Sunday is frozen.

    However, if you think that it will remain frozen 5 hours from now, when it was left out in the sun on a summer day, you're sorely mistaken. I haven't lied to you or cheated you. You simply made an extrapolation that you shouldn't have made.

    And for any trolls in forum who say "moose. This isn't about ice cream" my reply will be...
    "Bravo! You may be grasping what an analogy is"
  14. You seriously can't believe that everything will go according to plan. The devs, like everyone else, must adapt to the situation.

    Again, the devs did it in a previous season, I see no harm in it at all. It gives more people a chance to obtain equip. Maybe not LB, but, a chance.

    No, I didn''t war as much as some of you have, but, my stance still stands.
  15. Moose and AJ:

    did you mean the effort of all players who have reached 100 are not as important now?

    I know what you're trying to say, when devs stated "at this point", so still that's false hope given. Dishonest and unfair.
  16. No, those who have made it to 100 medals, I am happy for them. They warred hard.

    But, think about it. this is week 6 out of 8 weeks. You can't tell me you planned to stop warring at week 6 or to take a break. Why? You want to keep your LB spot. Who wouldn't? So, if you keep your activity up, the medal increase means nothing to you.

    It's not false hope. It's reading into something that isn't there.
  17. Aj i asked what was their "plan". From the start i stated it was simply impossible for someone like me who can only do indi wars to get to 100 medallions. They were told this since pre-season. But they didn't do anything. Now they come here with 2 weeks left to tell us forget your hard work, change of "plans" ( because they had it so well planned).

    I understand things don't always go according to plan... But devs didn't plan crap.
  18. Moose, yes we understand that is analogy.

    But CANCER? That's life and death. Not a game.
  19. Hence why the devs have adapted to the situation.

    Lol. You can't tell me devs just 'threw' this together. I'm sure the developers take account of a lot of things when doing these wars.

    Reading too far into the analogy.
  20. Hence why the devs are 6 weeks late