Discussion in 'Wars' started by Davey_Jones, Oct 11, 2014.

  1. S3 or S2 sorry
  2. Not in season 1 and or season 2 I believe wasn't till 3 they actually came out and stated it

    This is first time they tried medals bound to be some hiccups ...

    Look I'm not even trying for medals so really I have little weight in this but it is in line with Ata history to a tee ... So u all should have expected it all I'm saying
  3. AJ, I don't read forums much but I think you missed the memo of the devs (or kaw admin) saying they won't increase the number of medal wins to keep the activity high. Troll quoted this.
  4. I have reviewed trolls quote. I will assume its accurate. Also. KaW admin did not bait and switch. He started the sentence with "AT THIS POINT......"

    What that means is, today, no, but tomorrow, who can say?

    He made no hard and fast promise, but instead gave players a snapshot into what ATA was thinking at one moment in time, and now he's being punished for it.

    Sorry, but upon closer review, ATA was straight up honest, and I support the medal increase
  5. Don't tell me something and expect me to believe it with out direct proof. Lol

    I do not see a direct "No, we aren't doing this."

    They said, "at this point" meaning AT THAT POINT, no, they aren't. Meaning, it can change.
  6. Your post just shows we have logical minds
  7. Its on EVENTS (season 4 estoc trials updated) thread.
  8. If my doctor told me that "at this point you don't have cancer" (and he was correct), if I get cancer the following year, I'm not going to nerd rage all over him for last years diagnosis. I will instead move smartly and adjust to the new circumstance
  9. You guys are missing the point here... I don't care if the devs planned on it or didn't. Just saying it is extremely unfair. Last 2 pages i said why. No way should someone be able to pass me in a week when i take a brake. No way should someone be able to get the same rewards i got but 4x faster and cheaper.

    If devs wanted more people to get the EQ then next time when players tell them that the medallion goal is too high they should have changed it pre-season instead of medalling with a current season that is 6 weeks in.
  10. Lol this isn't about Cancer.  "At this pointl". But still, they made people expect that this wasn't gonna happen. You thinking we are noobs for believing? Lol are you both devs? Lol if AJ and Moose both doing EE, maybe you would've empathized. Moose you're in KWM. You might have noticed how we are working so hard. But maybe you don't care.
  11. Nope, just proving the point.

    You are in a competition. Why are you planning on taking a break? YOU have the advantage. So what if others can get the equip listed on the page.

    Why would you expect something they didn't directly say? I am not a dev. I do EE on my SH, ty for asking.
  12. Come on, dude. Really. If Moose didn't give you that idea, you wouldn't even realize it. 

  13. Moose doesn't influence my thinking. I'm only saying what I'm thinking.
  14. I care about player efforts. I really do. And I, sitting third EE season out due to real,life schedule issues. I just can't be competitive right now, so I don't want to take another persons spot.

    Thst being said, in seasons past, I've ALWAYS supported ramping up rancor, or medals, or what ever the marker is. This season is no different.

    You can get worked up over the fact that a developer gave you a snapshot into what the developers were thinking on a certain day, or, you can do what has been done for every other season and protect your lead
  15. If you are active in EE, I would listen to you,  Thats all.

    AJ, no you don't, lol
  16. Increase The medals!!!!!
  17. Oh, well darn. Didn't know the CIA came out with the, "I know what that guy is really thinking"anator. Lol.
  18. Personally attacking AJ does nothing to assist your cause. It instead makes you look like you're fighting from emotion, and not logic.

    Since you're emotional, I don't expect a logical response to this post, but,mim putting it out there anyway in en effort to help you.

    KaW admin promised nothing. Some folks misinterpreted what was said, and now we have a grumble thread. Sorry you feel disenfranchised. You've got a lead and an advantage at this point in the war (if you were active). USE IT!