Mechanics of Item phases in The Haunting

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by tmh, Dec 14, 2011.

  1. Sorry dude, but lots of what you said is wrong. Total direct plunder, from attacks, has nothing to do with the bonus at the end, at least not directly. The bonus is only determined by damage you deal. Assasinations and attacks, pots.

    I've only tested this once, so I'm not too sure. But I found that each damage point is worth 150,000 gold in a haunting , except pots of course. So each assassination of 100 would be worth 15m. In Eva, it's 100,000. I only tested it once, so I'm not too sure.
  2. Once, I caught the history before the bonus kicked in, and it was only like 33b. Once it kicked in, it was 85b. So total plunder does not equal bonus
  3. Great info! Great job tmh! Keep rocking mate, glad your back!
  4. I need to do a proper update. But after a good 15 EB's of collecting data, what I have observed thus far...

    The amount of money earned for each item is capped at a maximum value. That maximum value is what any good-sized build will earn. The less-and-less-per-item earning is indeed a fact, BUT only for accounts below the cap. We haven't pinned down the stats or number of lands that puts you at the cap, but we will.

    So for a good sized build (in the highlands, have more than T2's, etc) you will NOT see your earnings per item decrease for each subsequent pot used. You'll always be earning the cap value.

    The cap value, from what I've observed so far, is directly related to (and almost identical to) the total plunder for the whole EB divided by the number of successful actions in the EB-- in other words, the average earnings per action.

    That's the latest I have to add at this point. There's more but I don't wanna just throw it out there just yet. I did that previously, and talked about the diminishing-returns type item earnings before learning about the cap, so...

    What we're looking at next will be the earnings for assassination, and for attacks, both with and without using pots, and how adjusting the balance of those and choosing who uses items in the item phase will allow us to maximize the total plunder and pull off the highest plunder total in the Haunting that has ever been accomplished. :). That will likely happen in January or February, and once we determine the perfect builds to do it, we'll be asking for volunteers to be part of that KaW-historic EB.
  5. This is turning out very interesting. Great work so far hope to see more.
  6. Oh and on the issue of number of pots used and total plunder... What is evident to me at this point is that the more damage you do with your pot, if you're above the cap (which good sized builds are), the less total plunder you're gonna see at the end of the EB. The minimum amount of damage done to earn the maximum amount possible (ie be *exactly* at the cap threshold) would be the ideal situation. Being well above the cap and doing lots of extra damage means that you'll be able to launch less items an thus earn less total $ for your EB.

  7. Have you figured out what determines damage done by items yet ?
  8. Yeah damage from items is dependent on your power. I believe it's buildings plus ally bonus, but am not certain about the bfa.
  9. From what u are saying tmh i am getting the impression that assassinations from attack builds should decrease item earnings. It might be better earnings wise if attack builds did not assassinate in haunting.
  10. Ok well this couldn't be more confusing. We just had an EB where a super tiny build earned the capped item value. In every previous test, only builds with over around 650k total combined stats would receive full capped item value, smaller builds always got less. BUT. In our last EB a teeny tiny build got the full capped value. So now I don't know what to make of any of this. I'm going to throw my hands up in the air and have a Christmas holiday and not think about this for a while. Lol. WTF?!?!
  11. In depth, concise, and scientific. Excellent work as always
  13. And lol at your last statement. I can't say I blame you at all
  14. A few thoughts/ideas/observations. Are the builds 100% identical? Have you factored in available land as a variable (as it is with nob exchange)?

    Have you identified any correlation between the cap and the overall number of actions?

    Have you found a way to directly control the total amount of plunder for the eb? Lots of variables to sort out in there, I know. Just trying to be helpful and identify a few possibilities for you. 
  15. Well.. If you wanted to make a record eb, you would need pure attack builds , and no assassinations. That should give you the highest plunder as a clan.
  16. Tmh you are thinking too much about it, it's based in total bonus I believe the correct percent is 105%-110% then divide by total amount of potions used. To calculate amount of potions is difficult because everyone gets different amounts. So if a low build only kills 50 skeletons with 1 potion however that person uses 50-60 their payout will be greater than a person who does 100 skeletons per potion but uses 25.
  17. Actually I was checking the percent I have down: 105-115% from original plunder earned before potion bonus. So from 37.5b to something like 83.5B. Best way to calculate would be calculating the actual total amount of skeletons then divide by hits per person and calculate their individual plunder then see how many potions used per person and find out that way, It's pretty complicated lol.