Meaning of St. Patrick's Day

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TreadOnThem, Mar 17, 2015.

  1. It only lets you do 3 quotes.
  2. Wouldn't it be much simpler to just drink and not care about its meaning :>
  3. A local radio station always advertises "St. Panties Day" around this time of year. Have yet to check it out.
  4.  sounds like something they wouldn't teach you in church.
  5. And you haven't checked it out yet??!
  6. I just wanted to post this fact that not many know Saint Patrick was in fact born in Wales he moved to Ireland to do missionary work.
    Now if u don't believe Google it :)
    Happy Saint Patrick taffy day 
  7. st patrick was a catholic who taught people about the religion. what people ussualy dont
    know is that if u wear green it meansur supporting catholics and if u wear orange ur against it. just some school knowledge i learned... not meant to offend