May old souls rest

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by llIIV-----VAL-3N7iN3-----VlIlI, Dec 8, 2014.

  1. why you sound butthurt lol
  2. I bet you where butthurt when yo wife left lmfao
  3. Valentina good try lol. You fit right in to those Kings. No logic and not enough brain to understand what they talking about. Kings clan culture is build to lie. It's started by KingDODO by lying to the teeth and was push out as a leader. They continue same tradition. Dc said I'm SP'ng because I'm farming his ass
  4. Yep, Musang knows everything about Kings. EVERYTHING. All our history, reasons behind our actions… they're not just some random assumptions at all And feel free to selfpin on me aslong as you want, im not fussed Musa You take nothing, but use alot. Its all good. You're highly pathetic. You make up many lies about kings, spread your propaganda in forums/wc/walls/pms. Do we care? Nope. Yet when we tell the truth, you just accuse us of being 'butthurt' and spam  emojis. Hell, we post truth of your members walls and it gets deleted. Your not even in an OSW, its more like a keyboard warrior obsessed with lying to everyone to make himself better.
  5. No logic? It came straight from one of your members. What an idiot.
  6. Valerie u still rambling on? Lol u derailed ur own thread and still have the audacity to call others idiots. Epic! Lol Musang ur taking to a bunch of kids. Ur knowledge is way passed their reach. Let this thread die without us it would already be dead. Val hope u so stick around So we can be the ones to make ur ass quit. And with that im out. Cheerleaders cheer and runners run, and women talk. Peace!
  7. Whatever you say Valentina. You always be known coward and runner. You only good at being a KAW cheerleader At least dc even butthurt still in war didn't run. He went inactive and comeback in OSW because of the event. He turn his alt to pure spy with ally during the event. Just for the fun of it I strip farm his altHe was so butthurt like his first time. He blame me for stripping his alt. It was free gold why not
  8. Sorry forgot kisses n hugs. :) don't worry val u will find ur place in life someday. No need to pollute a game with ur misery.
  9. Oh hello forum warrior Beer! Dont think we've met properly. Hi im Dcw, think ive seen you in my newsfeed. Why some may ask? Well when IDD strip a king, they cry to NewAge for some assistance! Every single time. Its cute. How far Musa is up NewAge.
  10. Fyi Musang, if yoy hadnt been rash and blind.. you'd of seen that it had many 1b allies which i was letting people hire away and farm You could of farmed it the whole event, shame you didnt. Nice 250 shards btw! And your alt 0 Sorry about taking them all in last hour of event
  11. I shall leave you warriors to it My respect Val Sorry for spamming your thread.

  12. You are full of complete bull looooooooooool. He repeats the same things in every post, claims I was in OSW when I went "inactive" (me and regs had a mutual cf at least 2 months before that). You didn't strip my alt, I lost no gold, there is no proof I was butthurt, end of story. The term "keep making up more lies" is something I hate using, but man you are full of bull. I haven't received 1 incoming off you.
    "He blame me for stripping his alt" no I didn't. I haven't even noticed you existed until just now. I blamed Ty and later took 450 shards back day 2 into the event lol.
  13. This thread wasn't for me or you. All that needs to be read is the original post, the content holds no purpose other than my own enjoyment of starting a fight.

    "Make me quit". Lol. Ive fought tougher clans than you and they failed to do that, Ajax just made a mockery of your clan and he walked away no questions asked. Ill do the same. New age is a bunch of idiots. Do something about it, wait... You won't. You failed to do so weeks ago when I made a mockery of your clan and will continue throwing empty threats.
  14. Lol Ajax. Only time will tell right? Haha

  15. I still have your post on my wall 66 days ago. And you haven't done anything since. How long am I supposed to be waiting?
  16. Both u powerpuff girls can team up when ur number is up. (;
  17. Moron, we are at war. But ur too stupid to notice that i guess even tho u are in the thread lol.
  18. Exactly. You can't even deny your just empty threats. When you actually do something then I'll believe a word you say. Otherwise get the hell outta here like you said you where going to do in the previous page.
  19. @pg 1
    Well when u leave an IWar clan u lose the EE u won makes no sense. IWars r the most popular wars now. Need more revisions/ideas to improve wars n participation.
  20. Lol don't start getting all hurt valerie. You know ur time will come. Hehe. Anyone who knows NA knows we keep a list. :) happy kawing ms. Cheerleader. Xoxo :)