However, worms where the most fun I've ever had in Kaw and I was just talking with glenn about the CC.
Clan unity, thats what it was all about. Good old I got your back, you got mine! Worms and EE clans were built on loyalty and teamwork. ATA solved that problem
Y'all worms did do your own thing and regardless my past situations with y'all, i have to admit, y'all had fun doing what ya did. Having fun playing kaw is getting harder.
Never knew this was posted but I miss my wormies too. They took me through what I'm sure to be the best time I've ever had on a mobile game, let alone kaw. Don't forget Pillars of Chaos in S1 Maliwan/MAL (diamond emojis included but they seem to prevent me from posting the message on the forums.)
️ By far the best group of players to ever join forces. We did dat village pillage like Aint no body's business. We spoke what we want cus we ran the show. We gamed. And God damn we put yall to shame Ain't no comparen.
What a bunch of crap! He eben tol u he liked warms cuz they were mindless drones! They did eberithin he wanted. Of course he loved them! Wow! This guy nos no shame.
And who are you? Nobody knows you. You're a nobody and nobody will ever make a thread for you. Your life is POINTLESS. Nice build too️
Pffffff!!!!! What a chump! Lololol Of course ibe had threads in ma honor. U just don no cuz ur a complete loser.
I laf the hardest when i read that ma life was poiless! Lololol ur the biggest ignoramus ibe eber seen!
Ah of course hes a loser. Hes with them black hand losers. Barcode an blackhand a match made in heaven.
I got all sentimental seeing this post. Worms was a blast. A lot of the worms are just spread out around kaw now. We were the proud inventors of the towered guild Hansel. And the first clan I ever saw close the item phases in regular haunts to strip nubs. I still to this day remember some of the members emoji since we all had to post our own emoji before out message in chat to differentiate ourselves. Or just be like me and put 33 instead of 32 in the barcode . We got whooped by LOS and we whooped one of those merc clans. ( I just remember being up at 2 am clearing a 6t strip in 15mins) which at the time was pretty impressive. It's sad that the clan broke up like it did but worms had its run. That's all. Happy kawing
Being mindless drones made us more efficient. we didn't think, we just did. Sounds kinda similar to what must happen when you open your mouth, only difference is we got remembered.