max plunder

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by reddragonbld, Jul 26, 2012.

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  1. You're saying that if I drop one of my CoEs and plop an SoS in its place, my MP will increase?
  2. No, im saying that it happens for me. I dont know about other builds.
  3. You have dropped a CoE and replaced it with an SoS and had your plunder increase without making any other changes to your kingdom?
  4. Yes, I have. My build is wierd.
  5. I would test this myself, but I would like someone else to confirm. You're the first person I've ever seen report this.
  6. @ Cheesy You sure copy and paste well. Still a full on idiot, find fault in everyone but yourself.
    Op is clearly a new player with limited build knowledge who I have extended my humble opinion to with out an attempt to demean anyone.
    You on every hand use every opportunity to pro up your slag ego.
    Suggest you join a chess club for young boys, where you can ramble on for hours about yourself.
    In the mean time I'll study which off your allies I want.
  7. Copy and paste from what, Dionise?
  8. Dionise_-Murph att 1/1/11 p

    Come at me, you ******* *****. Don't you dare threaten me. I will **** your world up!
  9. As I said. Wierd build.
  10. You done pissed me off now, Dionise. You better keep yourself pinned like a good, little *****. Because as soon as I see that little head of yours pop out, I'm gonna bonk it right back down.
  11. @ Op Plunder facts based on max level and haunting first full hit.
    Coe $821,600
    Titan $843,600 5% ally bonus
    SOS $756,000 - 7% ally bonus

    The SOS is looking grim but what many ppl do not understand is you spies plunder on attack as well as bonus at end of epic from ASSPY.

    So truth is an SOS does reduce plunder over a guild due to loss in ally bonus. This loss is compensated by with the increased damage in ASSPY in the same epic. The SOS and guilds do have the highest return on investment when supporting a strong attack force. Alone they can only steal for income in war. ASSPY and scout bomb so the attack members can plunder.

    My hansel account hopes T5 will bring us a L4 not a new building.
  12. Dionise, you're such a noob. Why the hell would you put Titan Lairs mixed in with Cursed Foundaries in your build?
  13. I'd explain it to you if you were important to me.
    Why do you constantly have to prop yourself up by insulting other ppl?
    Why are you so full of ?
    Why can't you just help ppl when asked with out inferring superior knowledge? Why can't you just shut up if you have nothing nice to say?
    Why do you go running to Mods when cornered? Why can't you open your narrow view to others opinions?
    Why is your perceived intelligence so important to you?
    Thread after thread your message to kaw is everyone is an idiot except you.
    Do you have any concept of how pathetic this makes you appear?
  14. I'm going to farm you until you apologize for threatening me and calling me a liar, Dionise.
  16. Depends what EB you're hitting.
  17. Cheese will win lol just cuz its cheese
  18. Yeah missb, hybrids are weird builds.
  19. OP. Sorry to turn your innocent thread into a Cheesy ego rant.

    Farm on dweeb. You took first hits and you've already been told by the clan your visiting This little girl never backs down. Already have you on perm BL. Your attack just allowed me to follow clan policies. Only one of my bosses can stop me.
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