You may notice little difference now but if you keep going at it it will actually start increasing more noticeably. Strange formula they use. But your Cursed foundries you should also be looking at your plunder increase not just ally bonus, they have a high attack index, and your plunder earning (not ally bonus, the small one people ignore above it) should increase more noticeably too. Plus also skim (2 attacks from full every 5 minutes, 3 assassinates from full every 5 minutes). That increases your plunder end reward significantly, relative to unloading all troops, as well as your attack plunders (the small top one) it all adds up eventually. If say first attack you earn roughly 17 mil? On lowlands alone that should probably get up to 20-25mil with first hits. I'm kinda running on estimates so don't shoot me if im not 100% accurate! I actually have an alt with all CF on lowlands... Why? Cuz I wanted to see what it's like. I have about 2.8m CS I think, I earn about 20m on first hit and I still have a few more upgrades to go:
Ya... adding the word "cap" to the end of the phase I'm unfamiliar with didn't help me to understand what it actually is... at all...
I wouldn't waste too much time on your calculator with this.... afterall this isn't a maths or statistics degree but a war game. Just developed your build to the style of your play keeping your max plunder and enjoy the game instead of worrying about the calculations......
Lol. Max plunder is the max amount, or "cap" on what you can make on a particular target. Notice I say your target affects how much you make. How I describe it (though there is no evidence proving or disproving this) is that your buildings give you a base plunder. Let's say 10mil a hit. Your strength as compared to your opponent gives you another amount. Because it changes based upon target, I call this the "variable cap". If I attack a target twice my size, let's say it gives me an extra 5mil per attack. Total:15 mil. Now I upgrade. My base cap increases to let's say 11mil an attack. I will hit the same target, but since I'm closer to their stats, my variable cap bonus decreases, let's say to 3.8mil. Total: 14.8mil a hit. Although I upgraded, the drop in the variable cap is greater than the increase in the base cap, so my overall plunder goes down. This is what I think you're encountering. But like I said, I have no idea how this particular mechanic works, all I know for certain is that plunder is based on your buildings AND your strength compared to your target.
So my build is based on the advice I got some someone in my old clan. He said that I "always want to make sure that my next land costs more than my most expensive upgrade". So as a result, I have 4 lands in the highlands which all have lvl 3 foundries on them. He told me not to upgrade them past level 1 until I had all of my lowlands with lvl 3 foundries... he couldn't tell me why so i decided to upgrade them. In addition, I haven't been able to figure out if it's more beneficial to make ALL my lands into lvl 1 foundries and then upgrade them all to lvl 2 then all to lvl 3 or if it's better to go one by one, upgrading each one fully before moving on to the next. Has anyone tried this? On top of that, I have gotten NEW information(because when i originally asked about how to build I said i wanted to maximize plunder from EBs) from someone telling me that if I want to maximize plunder then i should be building Titans instead of CFs or CoEs... Basically, everyone I talk to gives me different information, the game is so convoluted and confusing math-wise that making an "optimum build" is impossible. Then to top it all off, new players who are excited to see a big upgrade happen in their kingdom are rewarded with seeing their plunder actually DECREASE?
And TL or CoE's are "best" for plunder, though plunder shouldn't be the only thing you want to strive for in game.
And I personally prefer getting up to 17bil land, then converting T3-T4 one by one, all to level three.
So... even after you have said you have spoken to many people giving you different opinions and you find it all confusing.... why you asking even more people for their opinions? Just going to confuse you even more isn't it.....
The difference is this- ingame, there can be hundreds of explanations and strategies for any particular phenomenon. Forums tends to kill the bad ones and condenses what used to be many into just a few.
I've just converted the last month from all guild build to a max CF build, 1 CoE for the extra hits and a few SOS for the hell of it. Obviously stats jumped to x4. Ally bonus went up 300k each build, while ally requirement for mp remained almost the same. I need 12 bill to Max plunder. So, I think you maybe holding your device upside down. :? I didn't test plunder from lvl2 to lvl3 because I went straight to max each build, so I can't comment on one hit ally bonus. But.. Keep in mind, max CF do more damage than Lvl2, so in an epic overall plunder bonus equates to more when max. Hence the quote - "it will pay off in the long run". You may have realized by now, I cannot answer your question :lol: But I just thought I'd throw in my experience. You want to confuse yourself more, look into guild to SOS convert, and what that does to your ally value v plunder. Relax on the calc, upgrade to get bigger stats and beat on people! :lol:
Info on forums is peer-reviewed and usually easier to write out, explain and understand. Having 1 guy in-game explain to me what to build is what put my build in the state it's in right now. At any rate, I understand more of the theory now, but there's still a lot of unknowns. All this being said, it's 3am, I have a headache now and I'm gonna sleep on it. Thanks for the info guys, feel free to keep it going if you have more input. I will check back on this tomorrow.