Max plunder and pwar etiquette

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *crusty_muffin_3000 (01), Apr 23, 2011.

  1. Say you have 4mil ally bonus and that is enough to get you max plunder for your 700k OSF, that won't be enough for max plunder against a 6mil OSF, you would need something like 15mil ally bonus.
  2. Max ally bonus is not a set number, it's a formula. It changes depending on your opponent, but if you are getting max plunder out of a 800k opponent, you will get max bonus when you hit a 5m opponent. You will get more in ally bonus when you hit s bigger opponent without buying any more allies.

    Ask people in your current clan - I know the people there. They can probably explain better.
  3. I'm not even going to argue with you, I'll just wait for someone else to tell you you're wrong... :|
  4. Technically he's right butcher.

    If you're max for one you're max for them all, I'll tell you in CC later.

    Um... Not a bad thread bud, could tried some fourmula like for every lvl3 forge you need 65mil in allies to max it
  5. Thanks. Sexwulf has a great building guide. As a general rule (from what I understand) 5500 x total stats gives you max, so stats for each building times 5500 would give you max (getting building stats off sexwulf guide).

    For example, a new l3 forge (put on an empty land, not upgrading from l1 or l2) would need a new 66m in allies; a l3 cathedral 70,400,000 and a l3 circle just under 74m.

    Maybe I'll try to put together a new thread based on that. The problem is that there are other factors from what I have seen. For example, someone (can't remember who) did a study showing that at higher prices, allies gave different ally bonus based on stats of ally (a 10b ally with 500k stats would give more ally bonus than a 10b ally with 2m stats, for example). I have not confirmed myself, but I don't have nearly the understanding of game mechanics and formulas that others might. But, as a general guide, maybe I will put one together.
  6. If I have a 4 mil bonus on a 700k osf, but the total all my allys can get me is 5mil, then I go hit a hlbc osf, I will get the most my allys can give me, 5mil. How ever, it gets cut off on smaller osfs. So thread maker, ur wrong.
  7. @last paragraph, no! its the same bonus for same price.
  8. Here's a quicker way -- if your ally bonus ends in zeros, you're @ max plunder 
  9. Death - right. I must not be explaining myself correctly.

    On the first OSF, you are getting as much as you possibly can off THAT OSF. You can get more off of a bigger OSF. My point is that if you are getting as much off the 1st OSF as you can, you don't have to test on the bigger OSF - you will get as much as you can off of whatever OSF you hit. You will get different $$ from each OSF, but for each one, it will be the most you can get off of THAT ONE.

    That's what I mean when I say if you are at max for one, you are at max for all. The actual $$ will change, but for each hit, if you get 100% of the potential bonus off of any opponent, you will get 100% of ally bonus possible off of any opponent for THAT PARTICULAR OPPONENT.
  10. Death - on the second post, I said I did not confirm. But somewhere here in the forums us a detailed study that someone else says they did that shows that. I dint know if it's true or not, I'm just reporting what someone else reported.
  11. MW - is that true against all opponents, or just against max opponents? I'm at max plunder for anyone I can hit outside of war (or open osfs), but my ally bonus does not end in 000s
  12. I believe -mw- is wrong... it used to be like that before one of the updates, but not anymore.
  13. And btw crusty have you ever tried hitting osfs outside war? The retaliation usually isn't as bad as you think. With the heavy traffic many osfs get in large hit and run pws, hits from outside can go unnoticed a lot. In fact, even in the long run, retaliation doesn't take away more than what you lose in tax IMO. There are just a few clans I wouldn't mess with though ie. iG/ZAFT lol.
  14. I never have - you never know who you might cross lol.
  15. But, for those willing to risk it, I can see the reward in it.
  16. Try it some time you'll love it . If anything all they ask for is an apology and ur free. Or u just pin urself for a bit and they'll forget about you quickly. The ones that get farmed heavily are the ones that try fighting back and/ or start talking trash on their walls lol.
  17. 50(2^x) 
  18. osf are soon more then attackers, so pw will die. no devs needed as i posted long ago. dont need a master mind to see that. already all desent pws pay attackers with tax free.. in a few M? Devs remove pw? why? we will as we should.

  19. Killer is correct. Ally plunder ending in ...00 being max plunder died several months ago. Now the only way to tell max plunder is the "buy an ally test"
  20. Thanks sexwulf. And great job on your thread - that is awesome info.