max 30,40,50 Estoc wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ER-Rudementary, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. Oops thing*

    Probably shouldn't type with my pinkies lmao
  2. I would support, but what if there are only a couple of clans in the 30 - 40 member bracket (its an example). Then there would be gross mismatchings in strength. I think we can tweak this idea a bit...
  3. Makes sense, but I don't think enough clans participate in EE wars for it to be necessary yet. Maybe in the near future...

  4. @ER i know you said that but say there are 70members in a clan only 30 can war but full 70 want to war the whole clan would be in rage cause they all could not EE
  6. Omet the regular wars would continue. These would be special max 30 or 40 or whatever days. This wouldn't replace existing wars. If it would cause too much problem in your clan don't do a max 30 war. These would be additional wars. But it would be fun to see some big clans go 30 on 30 with their top guys.
  7. Support. Long live ER power to the people
  8. If this would not replace EE but be added on then even less support than I had planned, devs are focusing on perfecting EE, don't try and make them perfect another war system, also 30,40,50 is too small and clustered should be 30,50,70,100 so that clans with lots of member available to war can all war.
  9. Then i'd reccomend a No Mercy war system be a good idea instead of dealing with the curent Estoc wars as they appear to be fine and in good condition that system could use partial what you are wanting a 30 on 30 war with top 30 people with an owner addition to fix line up as pleased but hey this isnt my thread and your here for support

    SUPPORT as long as it doesnt intervene with current EE's and Doesnt destroy Clan LB
  10. Omet the majority of wars have 40 or less actives in them. I'm also referring to wars with 50-60 but you coukd easily scrap 15 underperformers or noshows. This way you could put your clans top 30 guys or 40 up Against another clans best. Maybe say top 30 plunder on Saturdays war gets to be in Max 30 or whatever. That's up to each clan but I think it would make for some crazy wars. I think even a max 20 would be cool if the devs could try to match up attk/hansel ratio to be similar.
  11. ER i was in an EE yesterday and the sides were pretty even and activity is what counts i have seen over the weekends it dosent matter which clan has more and whos got the knowledge and strength to carry there clan through to victory
  12. Yeah it was 43 on 43 and almost dead even activity and score. That's why I suggested this. Was an awesome war and 2 more on either side and it would be a 20b difference instead of 600m
  13. ER actually thats really about how it was  except we were up a lot more than that(not bragging much respect tobopposin clan)
  14. No support :evil:
  15. Support. Send in feedback. NOW!