Massive EE War/PvP Update *Updated*

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ISI-IOI-IRI-IAI, Feb 16, 2015.

  1. Re: Massive EE War/PvP Update

    Lord you're still wrong! The bonus to ally stats that you give to your owner are counted as raw stats to your owner!!
  2. Re: Massive EE War/PvP Update

    Owners get 2% of your stats as an ally.
    Yes they are overpriced.
    If they got the full amount you would never be able to hit most players.
    0.02 percent is the figure used for steals and what a person loses per action of what they have out.
  3. Re: Massive EE War/PvP Update

    Ok seems like ya nubs are still having trouble with this.

    Your stats on your page are 1/50th of your Raw Stats.

    Your raw stats are on the same scale as the BFE on your page.

    Your owner gets your stats that are on your page as raw stats.

    Your owner get 1/50th of your stats directly added to their strength on their page. (it doesnt show up obviously)
  4. Re: Massive EE War/PvP Update

    Ok seems this thread has gone about as off topic as it could.
    On a second thought, it could probably go farther. (not a challenge)

    Lets get back on topic talking about how awesome this idea is.
  5. Re: Massive EE War/PvP Update

    It's not off topic, its helping to fix information
  6. Re: Massive EE War/PvP Update

    I know that lol. That's what I've been telling you. Look under stats if on pc or allies if on phone/device. It will tell you the exact stats you gain from allies which is the cs you see when viewing their profile. For example. I have 80mil raw spy stats from having 1.6m cs in attack. I hire a 1tril ally that shows as 13mil spy attack in his cs. That 13mil gets added as static spy attack to my 80mil raw spy attack. If I hired an ally equal to him 10 times I'd gain 130mil static spy attack added to my total raw spy stat.
  7. Re: Massive EE War/PvP Update

    Ally profile shows 2% or 1/50 of raw stats
    Thats BFA from ally cs
  8. Re: Massive EE War/PvP Update

    Exactly. I believe he was thinking you gain 2% of their cs which is wrong. 2% of their raw stats is what makes their cs and that is what you gain. There were no errors in the BFA section of the OP.
  9. Re: Massive EE War/PvP Update

    Okay I'll explain using my bfa and pictures!! :O

    That is my bfa, but that does not mean I gain 16m attack from it. I gain 2% of that 16m
  10. Re: Massive EE War/PvP Update

    No u get all of it..its already 2% raw stats
    Crystal clear
  11. Re: Massive EE War/PvP Update

    Hawk, no I don't. I really don't know how to explain this in any other way
  12. Re: Massive EE War/PvP Update

    No, you gain 16m attack. Go onto PC and look at the stat breakdown under stats if you still don't see it. 2% of their raw stats is 16mil.
  13. Re: Massive EE War/PvP Update

    16m attack to my raw stats!
  14. Re: Massive EE War/PvP Update

    Correct. As I have said from the beginning.
  15. Re: Massive EE War/PvP Update 12m BFA
    Commander is 5m BFA
    I'm 43m BFA to owner
  16. Re: Massive EE War/PvP Update

    Now times that number by 100 and you will begin to grasp the amount of bfa some lbers have. 16m defense times 100 is 1.6billion in raw defense. Someone with 20mil cs in attack has 1billion in raw attack. Their raw attack doesn't even come close to 1.6b defense and that is just their defense in bfa not counting their raw stat defense, equip defense, spells, pots, towers, etc. Now perhaps you get the problem?
  17. Re: Massive EE War/PvP Update

    You ideas is incredibly detailed and well thought out but I don't support. Great thread though!
  18. Re: Massive EE War/PvP Update

    Damn, you using raw stats are hurting my brain. Sorry, I'm not used to people using raw stats, they usually just pull the 2% from it and use that number since it makes things easier to understand.

    When you use raw stats it makes it seam like a player is untouchable.

    Edit because I just read your comment about the "problem" With massive amount of bfa you began to become dts to players and they can't attack you. It doesn't matter what size you are, you can build up as much as a shadow hansel. Just put the money into it
  19. Re: Massive EE War/PvP Update

    My raw stats r 2.15trillion and 43m BTA
  20. Re: Massive EE War/PvP Update

    The problem with shadow hansels is that they earn/pay based on their cs. Though some sh have enough bfa to give them the raw stats that someone at 40mil cs would have, their cs is only 2-4mil. They can hit large builds due to the raw stats gained from bfa for huge amounts of plunder but when hit back by the same build they just hit, they pay crap due to their low cs cause the game doesn't include the raw stats from bfa in the payout. It's basically an exploit.