Give him some credit for a good thread but you can look from the eb guide of what drops what. And i dont care of item stats i just buy them all lol
Would have been better if you did the EQ drops in every EB and the stats for each eq. Just a suggestion
Would also be helpful if you added like which eb the items are used in, like GS has a mind scream bar
Quite possibly the most useless guide ive ever seen for kaw. Not sure what inspired you to do this and spend so much time on it as this info is easily obtainable to even the noobiest of noobs.
OP, shut the **** up. Nobody cares. We have enough useless mods. Why on earth would we want another try hard dev ass kissing mod that is probably only 11? We don't want one.
I didn't see bronze bars? That's an item in marketplace I've seen it there. Ummmm you get a big ol thumbs down from mart. Useless in my opinion.
Might wanna check your sources. Some misinformation. Destroyer no longer drops locust swarms. And you missed bronze bars and limited time items.