I forgot to read... My apologize... Where is source url? Come on, source! Source!! SOURCE!!! I'm too lazy to read. Come on, Mr. Source! SOURCE is a key for carnivore folks like us. Wait, we are alike chimpanzee... where is SOURCE URL? Sooooooooooooooource! /end sarcasm
@Op. I agree that we should eat less and better quality meat than we do now...but I'm not so sure about your moral opposition to killing animals for food. Certainly, there's nothing wrong when a pack of wolves kill and eat a deer. How are we any different? Are you not aware that human beings are also predators? That being said, I do think we should treat our food supplies more humanely.
Most meat we eat was killed quickly and painlessly but not all however as stated b4 a wolves eat a dear and the dear is still alive as they start feeding also to control dear population we would have to bring in a lot of wolves here if we stopped hunting as right now that's how the control the dear Population. Also what's more painful shooting and killing a dear or letting wolves or if they leave out the wolves the starvation that would follow in as little as a year or 2. we are Predators, if u believe in the bible at all in there god said we are to meat of the animals so as to what right do we have god said we can however that only matters if u believe in any kinda god lol
Lol. Look up seals raping penguins. Ever watch how roosters treat hens? Don't even start on cats. Eat them before they eat you.
Manbearpig..half man, half bear, half pig...is out there...and will eat catdogman if we don't act first! Stop the madness!
Lol here is frog saying a Michael Moore documentary is the way all big food producers are. How about we look at everything grown in the world has some type of genetically modified organism in it that does not occurr in nature along look at Monsanto the worlds larger seed producer of genetically modified seeds People trying to play God with genetic modification may be what is really killing us Frog arnt you in Japan or China I know China has bought out the biggest pig farm in USA look at how they handle there pork if it's sick dying or has any type of problem they throw em in the river and lakes But here in the USA most farms are actually well maintained because the department of agriculture look after all the farms but yes free ranged chicken,Cows and pigs are the best way to go because they don't get all the antibiotics But I don't know anything that I am talking about I just a a degree in biology
I dated an animal rights activist And one day she got really pissed Because I was eating veal That was wrapped in.... Pita bread. (PETA bread. Get it? No. Okay )
I hope all the PETA members are also in charities helping the homeless, helping starving kids in third world countries, helping provide medical treatment to third world countries, helping those in poverty in the US, or disaster reliefs. Otherwise it's kind of stupid to preach about treating animals right, but abandoning humans in need. Are animal lives really more important than humans?
The amount of grain used in third world countries to feed cows to make beef that feeds the first world countries is enough grain to feed all of people in third world countries.(McDonald's alone)
Op, I believe you should become a Breatharian, because plants feel pain too. Who are you to make innocent carrots cry by ripping them out of the ground? Besides that, to even attempt to outlaw meat globally, you'd have to first outlaw firearms globally. You can pry both out of my cold dead hands.