Making meat Illegal: [Will save Humanity]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CatDogMan, Apr 1, 2015.

  1. I was thinking more like kill it and throw them off a Cliff since we aren't allowed to eat meat
  2. Meat is not just famed for consumption on a basic level there are many life saving drugs organs and vaccinations that are also produced in mass amounts via the cultivation of meat. If we all suddenly stopped eating meat the worlds major economies would likely collapse unless there were other means of making these invaluable goods aside from protein rich food.

    Idk what scientist stated that meat would be banned but I hate to say it I don't believe you for a second. If cigarettes and carcinogen based products are still being produced and not "made illegal" how do you expect meat to be taken off the table?!

    If nature didn't intend on other animals eating each other than why do carnivores exist? Living on a farm you should understand that there are many uses for a dead animal aside from eating it...
  3. Always wondered what it meant to throw a roo on the barbie...

  4. I agree with this 100%. It's cows turn to rule the world . Well put you in slaughter factories and see how you like it.
  5. Eating vast quantiles is new but eating meat in general isn't. Your statement is correct pertaining to an agrarian society but there's at least a few cultures to this day that have diets consisting mostly of meat. Also you refer to a few hundred years ago. Humans evolved while being hunter/gatherers not farmers. Ild assume as hunter/gatherers the diets were mostly meat.
  6. I havnt read through the whole thread, but have we heard from that Welsh dude who likes to bang sheep? Yo Welshie where ya at bro?
    We need you to give us the 411 on sheep lovin'.
  7. Hmmm,
    To put that in context...we came from the trees, we evolved to hunter gatherers, we had almost unlimited meat (given our small population) and as society evolved, for a brief period of time, some "classes" in some civilisations had less access to meat that they previously did. This anomaly has been reversed in many of those civilidations.

    I agree, there appears to be a surplus production of meat in many countries (but not necessarily a surplus of consumption...consider waste). Balance is required to make meat consumption sustainable.

    Nothing above implies we shouldnt eat meat. I love and crave all food groups.
  8. I'm vegan, so support :)
  9. So, because you don't like something, nobody else should be able to eat or enjoy it either?

    What happened to going Vegan being a life choice, instead of a cultish life choice to be forced upon everybody else?
  10. I just sat down to a rack of baby backs, and they were delish... anyone have extra napkins?
  11. I love bacon and would just break the law to eat it
  12. Meat is a part of today's society.

    I'm a Christian myself, and in the bible it was said that god made animals, and he made man. Man lived over the animals.
  13. Lol.. Should lions start eating flowers too? I think people should cut down on the amount they eat, and animals should be treated humanely.. You do understand some of our teeth are designed to tear flesh right?
  14.  So hungry.
  15. Wow the necrobump. To those who did not notice already, this was an April Fools joke. All the data and quote are all bs. Now let this thing die.
  16. Sir please.
    Devouring would never make such a thread. This is quality research he has done, and it has sparked an excellent debate.
  17. Tbh humankind is what will destroy this earth future generations will hate us, On the other hand nothing beats a plate of bacon and eggs in the morning :p nom nom nom

  18. #cows4supremespecies
  19. I don't think we should eat what our food eats. I think we should just eat or food. Also, Bush did 9/11.
  20. Support