Making meat Illegal: [Will save Humanity]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CatDogMan, Apr 1, 2015.

  1. Elk meat is the beat thing I've ever had.
  2. We could produce more than enough protein if we converted to eating insects. Plus cows fart too much and the gasses produced are not kind to the environment. Vlad will confirm this.
  3. I thought cow would confirm that
  4. I don't agree with this at all. I would elaborate if I had more time handy but I basically don't agree with this quite simply because of the basic concept of a food chain.

    Humans are also omnivores, you look at our teeth and we have molars, for eating fruit and veg, and we have cannines for cutting through meat.

    I personally don't actually agree with how the whole meat industry is but in my opinion there are things in this world that are much more important than the meat industry so I don't care enough to campaign for it.
  5. I'm sitting here reading this drivel eating some kangaroo, damn is it good
  7. I eat meat and I am proud!!!! LETS EAT ANIMALS!
  8. I think that factory farming (how pretty much all meat most people have ever eaten is produced) is wrong - it's unsanitary, cruel and unnecessary. I don't eat meat because of it. I would recommend watching the documentary "earthlings", but only if you have a strong tolerance for violence and blood/gore :3
  9. Sensitive baby confirmed kek
  10. LOL wut..the op can't be serious. Meat will never be illegal. Not sure what fringe science sites you are reading.
  11. I eat mean and veggies. I will not give up meat because I love the taste of it vs veggies. It's all about a balanced diet.

    But I agree on the part of how meat is processed could be more controlled and regulated so it's more "humane".
  12. I eat meat then veggies. It keeps my from getting bound up.
  13. I prefer steak and chicken. But I have eaten iguanas, gator ,snake ,fish,...and judging by the Location of the street vendors probably monkey also. I like vegetables with the meat  humans are predators...
    I think we all have a right to choose how we live. So good luck with your meat free lifestyle.
    God bless 
  14. Animals eat other animals that is the way the world works and no one is going to take away my delicious steak :mad:
  15. There's a reason why there's carnivores on the planet. The idea that "eating meat" is our downfall is ludicrous. Most animals survive on meat, whether you choose to or not to is meaningless.

    If anything our downfall will be the expanding of the sun as scientists aren't smart enough to crack interspacial colonization yet.
  16. True Dat
  17. So making a law just for humans doesn't fix the problem humans eat less meat then all those meat eating animals if it's animal life we are trying to save let's kill all the meat eaters!!!
  18. I'd like to see them try and fine a Tiger or Lion for eating meat.
    I'd pay for tickets to that show 
  19. I think the general idea is that we are evolved enough to know what we're doing, as opposed to other animals, many of whom eat meat exclusively. Watcha gonna do about it, kill them?

    Also, as I said, this isn't ever going to happen. Meat is not going to be illegal.
  20. Survival of the Fittest.