Making a Murderer

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by FIGURE8, Jan 17, 2016.

  1. lol I had to say coitus forcer because the R word wasn't allowed. Gotta get creative haha. The dudes IQ was so low that I'm pretty sure he's legally mentally handicapped. How can they legally try him like this?
  2. Yeah his cousin is a full blown mental patient. He got life btw.
  3. His iQ is 70... Pretty much qualified for the special Olympics..
  4. Haha
  5. Why the hell would he burn her right behind his house?

    Didn't the burnt ashes come from another place?
  6. Yikes. The justice system failed on this one, just like it has so many others. How sad. He was set up. Poor guy. He probably doesn't even truly understand much of what's happening.
  7. Right? And wouldn't there be blood ALL over the bed and the room?
  8. I'd imagine so
  9. Could you please provide the background story of what happened I hate having to run to Google everytime a thread comes up about someone doing something somewhere else.
  10. Um no. Everyone has access to this story.

  11. It's popular right now because they did a special on Netflix about it.. Basically the guy spent 18 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit, got out, was going to sue the county for 36 mil, was about to win his case when all of a sudden he's being arrested for murder.. Read up on it.. The guy is being majorly railroaded because he happens to be white trash.. Seriously
  12. Because he had no money? Or maybe because you wouldn't expect to be framed for murder while doing so? Maybe because you shouldn't have to?
  13. Just watched the series on netflix. Poor guy and his nephew got the works put on them. Kid is not to bright and the uncle's not much better off. Sad that a town could do that to anybody and get away with it. All parties in the Manitowoc sheriff's department need a taste of their own medicine. I believe they both are innocent from what I saw and get upset just typing this thinking of how wrong they got done. Detective Lenk is who I would look at. Gots a lot of history trying to put Steven Avery behind bars. And that DA is about the scum of the earth.
  14. I think the cops framed him. I believe they framed him not one hair was found where they bound beat and slit her throat and chopped her hair off. Not even a single drop of blood was found on the property. And the key, they scrubbed it clean so only his DNa was on it not even a fingerprint, the lady's DNa wasn't even found on it and it was her key.
  15. There was alot evidence that was not presented in the documentary. Thought not guilty till i saw read about the evidence not shown on the show
  16. People need to realize that documentaries are produced. Written. Not all truths are put forward, especially in this case. You only see what the shows producers wish for you to see.

    Which, in this case, makes for EXCELLENT television.

    How awesome is this show?

    Regardless. I think he's guilty as charged, and the police have added extra evidence to ensure he went away this time.

  17. Indeed. There is a lot of info outside of the tv show
  18. The show was horrible and painful to watch. Full of interviews and awful videos of rl.
  19. I get it can be one sided, but do explain the evidence that was not shown. Links, not just off the top of your head. Also I think the documentary was too point out where and why he was innocent, I think they had a motive to show you how screwed up our so called "justice system" is.