make war easier

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Swabia2, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. Blessssed support!
  2. If it embraces war, I give full support.
  3. Lol I love how no one dares to say "no support".

    But I do support this :) creative and good idea 
  4. Support

    iPhone sucks for tracking players and I'm sick of having to ask people on pc to pm me copy/pastes all the time.
  5. Know what would also make it better? Times New Roman!!
  6. No support! Booooooooooo!
  7. Support. Plus I would love a speed dial page. Got too many friends n followers. Just a quick spot to save 5-10 people. And a means of pasting their link in cc and ca
  8. Support 
  9. Support. Also block lol
  10. Massive amounts of support